New Discovery

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2 years ago

Beautiful ❗ I finally realised my kind of thing. Being unnecessarily depressed everytime,feeling lonely and bored...I thought of what possibly could be done not to feel this way every time . Before this,I've always tried things like playing games on my phone, downloading new applications and going through them, scanning dictionaries for new words, watching boring television shows, finding new motivational songs on my Deezer app(lolz), going through WhatsApp statuses and a lot more. Those are the few I could think of (how boring

A day after I wrote my first article on this platform and I found myself being so open and typing how I actually felt...I thought this should be what works for me. Writing.❗

I couldn't stop thinking of writing,it literally went through my mind the whole day and I imagined writing on so many topics. The peace it came with was heavenly (not trying to sound churchy... winks). That was ONE I thought to myself.

That same day I met a friend that talked so much about Netflix! Yes..I know what is Netflix but the way he got so excited about it and could recommend movies for me to watch was cute. So,I thought of tapping that too.Had a little cash on my credit card and I subscribed to Netflix. Believe me when I say I was super amazed that's because I spent the whole day watching movies on Netflix.

From one serie to the other and to the other. I finished 2 series that day(recommended watch-peaky blinders) a very nice watch.

So I ended up discovering what l liked. 2 things at once... writing and watching movies.

So pay attention and listen to yourself. You'll definitely realize what you like and save yourself from boredom.


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2 years ago
