The easiest and fastest diet

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2 years ago



The ideal weight is a dream of many. It is not only related to an elegant shape and a harmonious body, but is also related to health, strength, activity, and self-confidence. Many diets make a person lose weight quickly, as soon as he returns to his usual eating regime,

until everything returns to the way it was, and this is not healthy; because with the passage of time and the repetition of diets, the body's response to them decreases, the skin becomes saggy, and the person gets bored of trying diets without benefit.

Tips for healthy and guaranteed diets to lose weight without harmful side effects

1.    Reducing sugars and carbohydrates: when the amount of sugars and starches (carbohydrates) decreases, periods of hunger and appetite decrease, and therefore the need to eat meals during the day decreases, and this prompts the body to use its fat, burning carbohydrates from food. When carbohydrates are reduced, insulin levels decrease, which prompts the kidneys to get rid of excess sodium and water from the body, and this speeds up weight loss without feeling hungry or tired.

2.    Increasing the amount of protein, fats, and vegetables when each meal contains a source of fat, a source of protein, and vegetables. This leads to the introduction of the recommended daily amount of carbohydrates, which is from 20 to 50 grams, and it contains all the vitamins, minerals, and fibers that the body needs to be healthy. A diet rich in protein reduces the craving for food, especially at night, and boosts metabolism between 80 to 100 calories per day, which is the conversion of food into energy in cells and gives a feeling of fullness for a longer period. However, you should not overdo it with too much protein. It is possible to eat large quantities of low-carb vegetables without fear, and examples of these vegetables: are broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumbers. Sources of healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, and butter.

3.    It is recommended to play sports 3-4 times a week, and it is not intended to play sports to lose weight, but to maintain fitness and activity.

Quick tips to help lose weight

·         Eat a breakfast that contains a large amount of protein; to reduce appetite and provide the necessary calories throughout the day.

·         Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice; because it increases weight in a noticeable way.

·       Drinking water half an hour before meals increases weight loss by 44% over 3 months.

·       Preservation of insoluble fibers because it reduces fat, especially in the abdominal area.

·       Drinking coffee or tea because caffeine boosts metabolism by 3-11%. 

·       Stay away from processed and canned foods, and focus on healthy, fresh, and well-cooked food.

·       Eat slowly because it gives a faster feeling of fullness and increases weight-reducing hormones. 

·       Monitor weight every day because people who weigh themselves daily never gain weight.

·       Enough sleep because insufficient sleep is one of the most dangerous factors for weight gain.

How to get an easy diet

It may not be easy to follow a diet that others follow, even if it is successful for them, because each person has a different lifestyle from and favorite meals, and others meals that he hates and he cannot include them in his diet, even if they are effective in Weight loss. 

To ensure the best results of the diet, and to ensure its continuity until the end, you should adopt a plan that closely fits the requirements of your life, and these are some questions that help in setting guidelines for the diet:

  • How long does it take to cook and prepare food?

  • Is it possible to try new flavors?

  • How much weight do you want to lose?

  • How much budget does the diet need?

  • Is there an ability to bear it to the end?

  • Would it be fun to eat only healthy foods? 

The 20:80 Diet

Many nutritionists prescribe the 20:80 diet for people who do not like to follow strict dieting rules do not like counting calories and carbohydrates at every meal and cannot balance diet meals.

 What is the 80:20 diet?

It is a very easy principle to reach an ideal body without focusing on a specific diet and maintaining weight after reaching the desired weight. It depends on the diet being clean and healthy by 80%, compared to 20% for other foods such as soft drinks and potato chips. This diet is suitable for people who tend to indulge in a strict diet, without feeling guilty, and it is an ideal diet that balances a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.

How does the diet work to lose weight? This diet works excellent in maintaining the shape of the body and obtaining a balanced diet that is not boring, but it does not provide the necessary lack of calories for weight loss. If a person wants to adopt a 20:80 diet to lose weight, he must follow the following:

If the diet depends heavily on fats, so this diet will most likely help you lose weight at the beginning, because clean food requires giving up fast foods that contain a large proportion of unhealthy fats, dispensing with soft drinks and sweetened juices, and reducing their quantity significantly, because they will occupy 20% of the diet. But if the diet contains mainly healthy fats, it is unlikely that the weight will decrease significantly, so the assessment of calories must be reconsidered, and the percentage of fats should be reduced, even if they are healthy, to reach the ideal weight. Everything must be moderate, for example, for the twenty percent, one pie instead of two is enough, even if it is healthy and not fatty, because the twenty percent aims not to make choices of meals rigid, and lead to boredom, and not to rely on that it is allowed, if there is an excessive amount of food. At this rate, the weight will never change.

 The 20:80 diet is excellent for active athletes; because exercise helps burn calories that come from 20% of foods, and therefore does not affect a healthy diet, and weight drops significantly and safely. Moreover, if the physical activity is weak, the inability of calories from the diet alone will not be able to make a difference in weight. 

 The 20:80 diet should continue for a week, and the twenty is divided into the whole week, that is, a day and a half or about 4 meals for a week. If the ratio is not accurate, or there is slack on the weekend, the diet will not be able to make a difference in weight. If the diet does not work, and the difference in general health begins to appear, this means that the diet is not appropriate, and a stronger diet is needed.


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Avatar for Abahaa
Written by
2 years ago


Hola gusto en saludarle , excelente post otra recomendación sería revisar si tienes problemas de tiroides. Saludos.

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2 years ago