The dangers of melting ice in the frozen Arctic
The seeds of human death are buried somewhere. Viruses in caves carried by bats. We do not know when and how.
Fifteen thousand nuclear warheads planted by the man himself are capable of blowing up the Earth dozens of times. Nevertheless, what if we know that there is a new imminent danger or a new old one that seems to be new. Rapidly melting Arctic ice may release ancient killer diseases dormant in permafrost. Does that revive the bacteria from those sunken and frozen depths? This concern is not unjustified. Frozen Siberia, for example, recorded unprecedented temperatures throughout history, potentially devastating thirty-eight degrees Celsius. The fires devour the Amazon, Australia, China, and Indonesia. You may be able to say that the entire planet is already burning with epidemics, wars, and poverty. These fires released huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, highlighting the vicious cycle of climate collapse. Global warming increases fires, and fires increase global temperatures.
Climate scientists wonder if these extreme events herald the start of a terrifying new era of extreme heat in the Arctic. Climate collapse, so to speak, in the far north of the globe threatens to expose viruses that have remained dormant for a long time. It may be tens or even hundreds of thousands of years old. It has frozen in permafrost in the arctic region.
As an example of dormant viruses, an analysis of wastewater in Spain and Italy in March 2019 showed ten viruses that had not yet been released. Scientists say bacteria can live for a long time without a doubt, but the debate that remains is how long they live. A million years, a hundred thousand years, that is exactly what we do not know. However, how do you resurrect these deadly creatures? Simply, if it meets a suitable host, it will be reactivated. So if you put a person in a place that contains frozen viruses associated with the emergence of a pandemic in earlier times, that person can become infected and cause the virus to multiply, thus triggering a new pandemic. Therefore, we hope none of these viruses would be hosted.