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2 years ago


Cholesterol can be defined as a fatty substance that takes on a waxy texture. Cholesterol plays a very important role in bio-metabolism and the construction of cellular membranes within the tissues that make up the bodies of living organisms.

Cholesterol discovery dates back to the year 1769 A.D. by François Dolasal, where it was revealed to be a solid found in the grits of the juicer in the gallbladder, and by 1815 it carried the label Cholesterol as called it by the French chemist Michel Eugene Schoffrol.

The human body automatically fortifies Cholesterol according to the amounts of food it receives. It is available within certain foods automatically such as psoriasis, shrimp, and egg yolks, and the liver and intestines produce cholesterol in preparation for carrying it with blood plasma loaded onboard the particles of lipoproteins to be distributed throughout the body with various types of cholesterol.

Types of Cholesterol

1.       High-density lipoprotein, referred to as HDL, also known as high-density fatty protein, a type of cholesterol that is high in density, and is present in the bloodstream to carry fatty acids and transfer them from blood plasma and deliver them to the liver for analysis and harmful throwing out of the body. It plays an active role in the construction of cell walls, including the most prominent fatty acids transported by triple glyceride, low-density fatty protein, and others. 

2.       Low-density lipoprotein, which is codenamed LDL, is called a low-density fatty protein, which plays a completely opposite role to the other type, carrying cholesterol and triple glycerides from the liver organ and transferring them to all tissues in the body's surroundings, and is easily adapted to water solutions that can be found in the blood, and its role is to balance the process of cholesterol manufacturing in the human body,  However, if its levels rise beyond 200 mg/dL, it will be deposited on the walls of the blood vessels; It has a negative impact on the performance of the kidneys, heart, and others.

Cholesterol benefits

The benefits of cholesterol are:

a)       Cholesterol is one of the main pillars of vital functions within the human body.

b)      It is described as the first building block to begin building tissues and cells.

c)       Cholesterol stimulates the liver to produce bile juicer at the proportions the body needs.

d)      Contributes to the urge of the glands to secrete the necessary sex hormones.

e)      Helps the body and enables it to retain vitamin D amounts derived from sunlight.

f)        Enables the body to absorb the calcium it needs.

g)       Beneficial cholesterol expels the harmful type for the purposes of protecting the body from heart disease.

Cholesterol levels

Studies indicate that the cholesterol level in the human body should not exceed 200 mg/dL, and to ensure proper information about the health status of the human body; 

ü  Good cholesterol: not more than 45 mg/dL in women's bodies, while it should not exceed 34 mg/dL in men's bodies.

ü  Low-density lipoprotein LDL: Not less than 160 mg/dL in the human body, and if it exceeds this limit, consult your doctor for the utmost necessity and diet.

Ways to raise beneficial cholesterol in the body

Some ways can be followed to stimulate the presence of beneficial cholesterol at the expense of harmful in the human body, such as the following:

·         Regularity with physical and sports activities.

·         Refrain from smoking in all its forms.

·         Try to reach the perfect weight by getting rid of the accumulated fat in the body.

·         Avoid including high-fat foods in the diet. A healthy, balanced diet that contains sources of beneficial cholesterol, the most important of which are: (Omega-rich fish 3,6, dark chocolate, fresh cranberry juice, grapes, nuts.

·         Try to reduce red meat and rely on plant sources.


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2 years ago
