Pre-wedding health screening is more important than Pre Wedding Picture

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3 years ago

In this day and age, there is nothing more exciting for young people, especially those planning to get married, than to do pre-Wedding Pictures.

It is a new system evolving from developed countries, but the dominance of social media sites around the world has made everyone embrace this practice, including developing countries like Nigeria.

Making premarital photos now seems to be one of the rituals of marriage, where people spend a lot of money and waste time doing them.

Modern photographers charge newlyweds from N20,000 to N50,000 to take them, as some famous photographers in Kano and Abuja tell us.

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But health experts say medical tests are 100 times more important than marriage.

In this special article, the BBC looks at what kind of tests should be done before marriage, how much to pay for them and what their importance is.

Dr Ibrahim Musa, a doctor at the Malam Aminu AKTH Teaching Hospital in Kano, Northern Nigeria, emphasized that if the couple had known the importance of these tests and the help they would provide to their community, they would not have played with it. they are not.

The doctor said that the pre-marital screening process for couples has many rules and aspects.

The first is to ensure that the couple does not harm each other in the marital relationship

Second, it is important to ensure that children are not infected by their parents by inheriting a disease that can be passed on from parents.

"The purpose of this trial is to reduce the spread of certain diseases that are spread through marriage, to achieve sustainable development and to help the government reduce health spending on such diseases," he said. .

However, he said that no matter which country looks at which system is best for it and which diseases are most severe, those who intend to get married should undergo related tests.

Here are some of the tests that prospective spouses should undergo in Nigeria:

Testing for HIV / AIDS, STD and Hepatitis B and C

Blood group testing:

Blood test for sickle cell disease

$ 0.00
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Written by
3 years ago


Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In my opinion pre wedding pictures have no any advantages it is just a waste of resources who is with me??

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In as much as thet wants the marriage to be blessed the pre wedding pictures should be banned till after the medical screening

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is we are in the same line bro don't makes it much more worse

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't support pre wedding pictures at all i prefer pre wedding tests

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't support too

$ 0.00
3 years ago