Latest news about Cryptocurrency

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Written by
2 years ago

Good evening!

November goals 2 article.

Today I am going to discuss the latest news about Cryptocurrency. The news about the future of Cryptocurrency.

Historically, Bitcoin performs better in October. I was digging on the monthly Bitcoin chart. September was the white elephant for Cryptocurrencies. There was a dip. But as October came Cryptocurrencies boosted up. Future Prediction depends upon the past of any Cryptocurrency.

October was a booster for mainstream Cryptocurrency users. Have you looked at the Bitcoin price in October? For your information, it touched its all-time high. Was at 67000$. 52% up.

Now it is at 62100$. If I recall it. I remember that I predicted Bitcoin above 60000$. Yes, It touched its all all-time high 67000$.

Before October Bitcoin was 43800$ almost. It increased by 40%.

November is a golden chance to buy new coins and their predictions are fair. You can earn enough. If you are already holding these coins about what I am going to tell you in the next few paragraphs then you are in safe hands and can grab enough money by selling them at the right place and time.

Good time for Cryptocurrencies for buying. Why do I think so? Let me spell it. The word cryptocurrency is circulating in each corner of the world. Everyone is talking about Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Bitcoin casCashd Ethereum. Why? Does it make sense to you?

news is breaking out every day in favour of Cryptocurrency. Good news has a great impact to boost up any Cryptocurrency. Bad and good news both affect Cryptocurrencies. But the good news is always better for everyone. Millions of people's futures are interconnected with the Cryptocurrency market. A slight dip and rise can change people's feelings and lives. So I wish luck to everyone.

In nutshell, news has a Great impact on Cryptocurrencies. So always pray for better for yourself and everyone who is connected with the Cryptocurrency market.

Let's talk about Cryptocurrency's latest news. Do you WANNA listen to it? Then Stay tuned.

A Brazilian investment bank BTG punctual launched a new app to provide their customers block chain services. This is a Very good step in favour of Cryptocurrencies.

The big problem for Cryptocurrencies is the Backing systems are under government control and they charge fees for using their services in the form of taxes. Here is a fight and race between people and government institutions like banks which are working under government control. People who have interacted with Cryptocurrency wanna start their journey in Cryptocurrency but the government has a no better plan to handle all transactions and charge taxes.

That is the main reason and drawbacks of cryptocurrency. Maybe has better solution but i have no idea about it.

But the good thing is that People started their interest in cryptocurrency.

Now some banks started providing services to their customers in the blockchain. Ethereum, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

Another one the USA will become global crypto and blockchain technology leader.

Another good news. If the US lead blockchain crypto then it would be easier for other countries to regulate Cryptocurrencies. Because the USA is huge on business and world trading based on the dollar. If they replace dollars or make alternatives so definitely they have to do some great job in Cryptocurrencies. Look, readers! The USA is a superpower nowadays if they take better steps in Cryptocurrencies then other countries would have no excuse to accept Cryptocurrency.

I think to prove superpower USA wouldn't lose this chance to become the leader of Cryptocurrencies.

Here is something more interesting is that China and Iran both are racing to collect more Cryptocurrencies. The USA wouldn't stop itself from making big developments regarding Cryptocurrencies.

Let Me add that the USA is seriously thinking about Cryptocurrencies. Would regulate Cryptocurrency and development to collect tax from transactions.

An Austrian senator asked why Australia is now working on Cryptocurrencies? Why are we getting late in Cryptocurrencies development? He suggested that we should take a big step to regulate Cryptocurrency and Australia should be a hub of Cryptocurrencies. He added that we should proceed in this field. This can help our country develop better infrastructure.

Gaming and Cryptocurrency

Better deployment in Cryptocurrency is that they are developing games. People can enjoy the game as well as grab enough crypto coins.

For example Axie Infinity. This is the most popular game in the world. Nearly 20 laklakhople play this game to earn crypto coins. This is an Ethereum based Cryptocurrency game.

This is a very positive side of Cryptocurrencies. People realized that Cryptocurrency breasts can help to raise their businesses.

The second example is Ubi-soft launched to support blockchain technology. This is devolved by a French video base company.

Suggestion to buy these coins can give you enough profit in future. These all are available on Binance in spot trading options.


Current price: .56$

Good background and Market Cap.

Low price, easy to adorable. But in the future, it can give you more profit than you expect.


Current price: 1.97$

Good market cap and background

It also has a low price. Buy it if you wanna earn enough profit.


This is a signal that if you buy you can earn enough profit buis the k still exists. Because the Cryptocurrency market can go up and down at any time. All you know better is how it works. But I provided you with authentic information. So don't consider it useless. Because I pay for these signals.

Looking forward...!

In my last two days, I interacted with so many people. They attracted me because of their well knowledge-based titles. @Telesfor @ExpertWritter . I got enough information from them. I wanna say thanks to them from the depth of my heart. Looking forward to visiting this article and correcting me if I am wrong.

Especially thanks to @Roojoroojay for becoming my new sponsor. @HappyBoy

Contact me here...!

You can contact me here anytime. If you have any queries regarding this article and Cryptocurrency.

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Message for Today

Overthinking leads to destruction. It is the enemy of our happiness, health and serenity. So stay away from this disease. Enjoy nature and give time to your family. Take care and remember me in your prayers. Thank you, everyone.


Thanks for reading!

$ 0.28
$ 0.06 from @NakamotoBch
$ 0.05 from @Roojoroojay
$ 0.05 from @HappyBoy
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Written by
2 years ago


Towards the end of the year most crypto sees a surge in price. Hopefully Bitcoincash will start pumping soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure it would boom

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Such an informative article. I do believe that Bitcoin will cross 100k at the end of this year and alts will also follow Bitcoin. Let's see when will the Bitcoin cash cross ATH.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes insha'Allah it would boom

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we all can as well see those mass improvement and increment in cryptos especially that of btc and ethereum. We also do expect more from our own bch and i hope it will surely surge just like the others in due time. I like your statistical figures here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much Sammy. Yed insha'Allah our expectations would be fruitful. Thank you so much for your kind visit to my articles. So happy 🙂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bitcoin break all the record in the October, it's seem like it's crossed $100000 till the end of this year

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope so it cross. Because, when Bitcoin price goes up mainwhile, bitcoin cash also goes to the moon. Greater expectation. But more expectation lead to failure.
Anyway, i wish best of luck to everyone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago