Life After Death

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Avatar for Aaliyah29
2 years ago

Have you ever wondered what is life after death? It is scary sometimes to talk about it, but that's inevitable. I sometimes wonder what it looks like. I fear that when we die, we forget the living world, we would see nothing but black.

I believe that heaven exists, I believe that once a soul leaves from the body, it will still wander until he/she is ready to go.

My question is, when we die, can we still recognized our loved ones? Can we still hear and see them? Can we see light? Can we have emotions? Like feeling lonely for being unseen by loved ones? I don't know.

What I know is that we have soul, and our soul will depart once we died. I believe that prayer is more effective to the living people more than the dead people. Someone told me to that praying to the dead people is useless, I fear that actually.

Do we really fear death? Or we just fear that we will find nothing after death?

This is actually what I am thinking. We fear death because we might see nothing after our death. We might not see the light that they were talking. We might be stuck from wandering the world.

Maybe that's the reason why we see ghost. They are looking for answers to why they are not still leaving the living world.

I always think that once the soul are still here with us, it is either they have unfinished project or they needs prayer. Neither of that, I don't know the answer. I am just wondering that.

Closing Thoughts:

I just want to express what I feel about death. These questions I've been asking but I am not ready yet.

Everyone of us wants to enjoy our life. All of us wants to grow old with our children and our grandchildren.

So while we are still here, let us not forget to enjoy life. Live according to your will and not someone else's. Always live with kindness.

Death is inevitable but once you are ready, you won't feel scared anymore. So, do the things that you like.

This is just a short article. I hope you guys enjoyed reading, but mostly this topic is not enjoyable to read. lol. so Im so sorry for that.


Published Date: October 2, 2021

2:45 in the afternoon

Hi everyone! You can also follow me in my account!


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Avatar for Aaliyah29
2 years ago


Since those who are good and do good deeds will be rewarded with heaven, those who have a lot of sins will be punished in hell, it means that our souls will not lose their feelings. I also think that prayer to a dead person is not superfluous. Life after death will be the determinant of our present life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Somewhat this is true. I can't agree more with this one. Thanks.

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2 years ago