How to Get Wealth.

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2 years ago

The Wikipedia describes wealth as the abundance of valuable financial assets or physical possessions which can be converted into a form that can be used for transactions.

The modern concept of wealth is of relevance in economics, especially *growth economics* and *development economics*. It is context-dependent and relatively perceived by the different Social class of human stratification.

While some people believe that wealth is earned through total commitment to hardwork, others believe wealthy people are chosen and uncommonly favoured by God, some even believe been wealthy is a function of the community you find yourself etc.

The bitter truth is, to become wealthy has to do with more of you being able to adopt and put to effectual practice, the core principle laid down by God for Prosperity which is anchored on the Biblical Statement; *'....remember the Lord your God for it is He that gives you power to make Wealth.'*

What this implies in principle is that Wealth don't just come to you in a platter of gold. You need to generate power for wealth. This power is generated only from God if we want to have unending wealth.

What powers are we talking about? It is the power;

>> To love God and obey His instructions

>> To understand the mystical order for eternal wealth.

>> Not to Pass Over Opportunities Repeatedly which is the full meaning for the acronym POOR

The above three keys are inseparable ingredients for wealth creation and attainment. The concern now is, how can we walk in the path of these keys?

FIRST, you must build a personal relationship with God so as to always hear Him speak to you and afterwards with you. What do I mean by God speaking to you and with you?

Hear this, at the foundational stage of your personal relationship with God, it is operated on a *Master Servant Relationship* and so God speaks to you by Marshalling orders to you through the HOLY BOOK, DREAMS, SERMONS, VISIONS, POSITIVE PREMONITION etc and He expects your total compliance to His instructions. When you obey these orders with joy doing them as unto love for you master the door to *Father and Son Relationship* is now opened to you. At this point, God speaks with you directly in an audible voice where you have the opportunity to ask for lead and clarification for direction on His plans for you.

When you attain the level of sonship relationship with God, my brothers and sisters, *you don hit Jackpot.*

SECOND, At the foundational stage of your relationship with God, obedience to His instruction especially on issues that boils down on finance requires that you carry-out the instructions in the correct order. The instruction is clear: *"... Give and it shall be given unto you in good measure, press down, shaking together and running over..."* What God saying about amassing wealth is simple, *you must give the little you have before it will be given to you in good measure, pressed down, shaking together and running over.* This is the correct order.

Unfortunately, what we do is trying to hid to the instruction in a reverse order of wanting to be given / have in good measure, pressed down and shaking together before giving out. This reverse order negates the order of God and it's anti Wealth Creation. As intending wealth creator, our purpose for wealth Creation should not be egocentric as to amassing wealth for you and your immediate family, rather, it should follow the Mystical Order of God's mandate: *Creating wealth to better the life of others by giving-out first to the less privileged persistently* so as to open the doors of unending wealth.

THIRDLY, having place your self strategically and in the right position of the first and second ingredients for wealth creation, you must learn not to pass over opportunity repeatedly.

More often than not, people pass over opportunities that would have established their their stand in wealth building but for fear and unreadiness to take Risk. The truth of the matter is that; nothing ventured, nothing gained. You must also cultivate an attitude that will gradually launch you to a place of abundance wealth. Some of these attitudes includes but not limited to the following;

(I) *You must Set and Achieve Goals*

Wealthy people don’t simply expect to make more money; they plan and work toward their financial goals. They have a clear vision of what they want and take the necessary steps to get there.

(II) *You must Value Having Multiple Streams of Income*

Considering the prime importance of income, wealthy people go a step further to secure at least three income sources. Those sources tend to come from a combination of Full paid Job, part-time work, rental income, block chain investments and other important investments platforms.

(III) *You must be Cautious About your Spending*

Wealthy people are careful not to become a target for scammers. They know that as they become wealthy, everyone from Internet hustlers to home improvement con artists is likely to target them. These people take their time and ask the right questions from service providers and seek out referrals before doing business with anyone. They invest more on what multiplies than what depreciates.

(iv) *You must Not be Wasteful*

Wealthy people believe that if you aren’t using it, you should stop paying for it. It can be anything from a premium cable channel to a club membership or a home security system. They follow a monthly budget that helps them see where their money goes, so they can make cuts when necessary.

(v) *You must Believe Patience Is a Virtue*

Wealthy people get where they are through patience. They have an underlying belief that financial security comes gradually and accumulates through diligent and unrepentant investment strategies. Taking every risk to venture into Opportunities that seem promising.

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2 years ago
