Do your Bit where you are

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2 years ago

In the book of Psalms chapter number 101 and verse 6, it says- "Mine eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way , he shall serve me."

How good and pleasant when each of us do our little parts in our little corners faithfully. God's eyes never leave the faithful. He holds them close to His heart.

Sponsors of AYENCOMIKE

Proverbs 20:6 says, "Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?"

Faithful men are consistent men. They are very scarce. The faithful keep doing good when others choose to follow the tide. They stand for God in spite of the odds.

One such man is Modecai. Have you ever wondered what would have become the fate of Esther and the Jews if there was no Modecai? Esther had the perfect reason to do nothing, she wanted to keep her head safe on her neck. (For whosoever will save his life shall lose it ... Luke 9:24)

She had convinced herself that it was a lost case, but the voice of Modecai brought her to God's reality- " Who knows whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14)

How we need the Modecais in every family, church and personal lives! Their spirits are very connected to God, and see farther than everyone else.

Where there is confusion, they see peace; where there is hatred and bitterness, they see love. They see differently from everyone because they are in sync with the Spirit of God.

One of the most discouraged sets of people are church people; especially when it pertains to church administration. They take pleasure in discussing how things aren't working, and how they should stay far from all that's happening. They love to distance themselves at such delicate moments and just watch from a safe distance as Haman makes a mess of the church.

The only reason such continue to happen is because we are yet to understand how God works. He planted you there to make a difference and not be part of the problem. And you know, people that mostly take such uninspiring stance are people in leadership positions like Esther.

Blinded by fear of losing her life, of losing her enviable position, and being regarded lightly, made her to settle for the devil's lie that it was a no go area but thank God for faithful Modecai!

Beloved church folks, stop believing the lie of Satan that nothing good can come out of that church where you worship, and that establishment; stop helping to spread the seed of discontent and disloyalty. Stop being Satan's mouthpiece and start working towards recovery.

Listen, God doesn't care about your big portfolio in church. He is interested in the Modecais who have chosen not to rest until Jerusalem becomes a praise on the earth They are never afraid to tell the overwhelmed leaders the truth that sets free..

I pray for you today, that you rise where you are and begin to be the voice that brings solution; the faithful voice that awakens sleepy consciences; the voice that calls for life where death prevails.

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Sponsors of AYENCOMIKE
2 years ago
