The Ancient Gods But Doom 2016 - MYSTORY Nr30

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Avatar for ATMODEPTH
3 years ago

The Ancient Gods But Doom 2016 - MYSTORY Nr30

Doom Eternal The Ancient Gods Part One In Doom

Hello World, Hello Viewers!


The Ancient Gods but Snapmaps.

Doom Eternal maps made in Snapmap.

Best Doom custom maps Eternal style.

Epic Snapmap custom maps.

Snapmap underwater and trees jungle forest.






#doometernal, #theancientgods, #snapmap, #custom

#custommaps, #doommaps, #dash

#doom2016, #atmodepth

_____________ VIDEO-BLOG-POST _____________

The main text section of this text blog post starts here


Hello World!

Due to the release of Doom Eternals new Dlc “The Ancient Gods Part One” I decided to try to make some quality content showcasing be best Snapmaps from Doom 2016 that create, use or reimagine functions that are present in the new addon.

Enjoy the video and post if you can.


I am warning you that this video is long and full with gameplay and some very creative creations like underwater areas and it features a quasi-forest in Doom.

I am sure people will keep breaking Snapmap even more and when people do this they usually make epic stuff…

Or break the internet.


I am very happy about the fact that it was possible for creators to remake some epic functions and features used in the amazing Doom Eternal because they fit perfectly well with Doom 2016s gameplay.

Some maps also feature boost dash functions. Other levels also come with even weirder functions but the dash is my favourite one in Snapmap.

10:00 - NEWVIDEO

This new video and blog post is meant to serve some value and it features of course some music in the background.

I will make more videos if you can give me feedback.

15:00 - EPICGAME

The amazing epic gameplay of The Ancient Gods inspired me to do such a video to see if it was also possible to deliver the feeling of the new Addon to Doom 2016 players for free.

Doom rocks literally.


Id software is amazing for giving us these new features with brutal demons and lots of cool action in the new content.

I am tuned to do my own playthrough of Doom Eternal and The Ancient Gods and the other new Dlcs that will be released in the future.

Give me feedback and like and subscribe to me everywhere or don’t, I am still happy to be able to make this type of content.

So yeet and tear until it is done.

Yours Sincerely,


X - About Section/ Personal Stuff

Personal Extra Keywords:

videogame, videospiel, 电子游戏, видеоигра, ビデオゲーム, jeuvidéo, videojuego, βιντεοπαιχνίδι, वीडियोगेम, משחקוידאו

videos, gamer, gameplay, newpost, channel, fun, entertainment, epic, weird, strange, independent, youtuber, content, gameing, exclusive, music, blogs, posts, story, mystory

All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money)

All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money)

My Signature: My Short Signature


gaming, fun, creative




Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups

$ 0.97
$ 0.97 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for ATMODEPTH
3 years ago


I really thought it's an article for a story.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for the comment, feel free to give me more infos on how i shall make my content so you like it :-D


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'll try my best sir :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello World, Hello Viewers! And hi! 0:00 is where the video content starts... If you are reading the text blog post here only... I am very sorry for that unnecessary information and i appologize or not. Give me feedback and like and subscribe to me everywhere or don’t, I am still happy to be able to make this type of content. So yeet and tear until it is done.

Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH



gaming, fun, creative Bitly-Url-FOLLOW-SOCIAL Bitly-Url-CHANNEL-PLAYLIST Bitly-Url-BLOG-LABEL

$ 0.00
3 years ago