ODDLY SATISFYING Physics Simulation Engine - MYSTORY Nr47

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Avatar for ATMODEPTH
3 years ago


Oddly Satisfying 3D CG Physics Animation Simulation Video

Satisfying physics and geometry to watch before sleep.

Nice visceral visual Asmr triggers.

Amazing funny animations.

Coolest physics ever.


#coolanimations, #funnyanimations, #cryengine, #sourceengine,

#halflifephysics, #gmodphysics, #garrysmodalternative,

#satisfying, #animations,






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The Main Content Section Of This Post


Hello World, Hello Viewers!

When starting with my latest video I thought I could name it something like “nice funny animations” or “cool epic explosions video” but after finding an Ai in Cryengine that looks like a very famous person, I realised that my attempt of giving my post a reasonable name where rather inefficient.

I decided to just go with what the video simply is but also what it not is.

Welcome to this epic post and video, I hope you will enjoy my adventures in Cryengine.


Videogames like Half Life and Garrys Mod are known for using the source engine which is known for some nice physics simulation capabilities.

If the idea that this engine is better for physics simulation than some other engine is something that I can neither confirm nor deny.

What I can do is to tell you that the physics simulation in Cryengine is excellent and sometimes very satisfying to not say that I love everything regarding the physics of the great framework that was once used to create the epic game series known as Crysis.


The physics might be simulated and weird but I think they are mostly just satisfying.

Such an epic engine is able to do whatever I what in theory.

In reality I was not able to control what the ghost in the machine wanted to do.

Theoretically I had some impact on the events that happened in the video but I still feel like a thrown dice that tried to argue with a flipped coin.


I must say that all the jokes a side, I am very satisfied with the results of my attempts to create chaos in Cryengine.

My computer did not crash and my Cpu refused to melt away under the high strain of simulating my ridiculous ideas.

The editor is very well usable and I like the legacy editor that I was using in the video.


If someone is competent they will also be able to simulate whatever they want precisely in Cryengine but I am not competent which led to the death of many innocent Ai which luckily can respawn so I did not commit mass slaughter.

What is wrong with me?

Plz. send help.


I like the editor and I am not a real hardcore expert by any means and contradicting to my earlier joking statement I was able to create exactly what I wanted to create.

Pure chaos!

I love the tools and the engine and the ability of my Gpu to handle my crazy ideas.

Feel free to give me likes and comments and other stuff and let me know if you want to see more or what you want to see specifically.

Have a nice day and don’t get squished by a giant crazy amateur game-developer that throws super-heavy but perfect cubes on your head.

Yours Sincerely,


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Avatar for ATMODEPTH
3 years ago


Hello World, Hello Viewers! 0:00 Is the start of whatever this is WISHLIST:

  1. You shall be entertained or inspired.
  2. Have a nice day or night or morning or evening.
  3. Follow me.
  4. Yummy.
  5. Hello people, just random!
  6. Thank you for yeeting!
  7. Many comments or likes and shares.
  8. The laws of physics!

Feel free to give me likes and comments and other stuff and let me know if you want to see more or what you want to see specifically. Have a nice day and don’t get squished by a giant crazy amateur game-developer that throws super-heavy but perfect cubes on your head. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH



gaming, fun, creative https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYynU7-7Qs2eEnzurvAqiuf_&index=1&t=1s https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/search/label/MAIN-FORMATS%20-%20(%EF%BC%B3%EF%BC%A5%EF%BC%A3%EF%BC%B4%EF%BC%A9%EF%BC%AF%EF%BC%AE)

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3 years ago