Habits that reveal many secrets about us

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3 years ago

In the following article, I will look at the daily habits of people and the interesting findings that we can find about them.

After much experimentation and research, researchers have found links between our habits and personality traits , Timing, how to carry a bag, or how to install a toilet paper are all things that can say more about our personality than we might think. 

In the following, we will discuss these interesting habits and interesting findings related to them.

1- How to carry a bag

Body language experts say that the way you usually carry your bag can reveal some interesting things about you.

1- If you bend your hand and hang your bag from your elbow: This condition is usually experienced by working women. This shows your confidence, and members of the royal family often take their bags this way.

2- If you hold your bag like an armpit clutch: This means that you are usually a comfortable person and not too involved in your appearance.

3- If you hang the bag from the shoulder: it means you do not see the need to hide anything. This mode is also a good way to carry a bag.

4 - If you hold the bag down from its handles: This condition may indicate your mental insecurity because it is not a good way to carry the bag.

Body language experts also say that these symptoms do not necessarily apply to everyone and are not always true. However, if a woman often carries her bag in a certain way out of habit, this has more to say.

2- How to install toilet paper

The way you put the toilet paper also reveals things about you. In fact, it shows that you have a controlling or easy-going personality. Researchers tested 2,000 men and women and found that those who shuffled paper towels were more domineering. But those who pull the handkerchief from below are more domineering people.

3- How to take a selfie

Researchers have developed behavioral patterns in how people take selfies. They found that people who were warmer were more likely to take pictures from below. At the same time, people who are more conscientious are less likely to display private space in the background of their photo.

Those who welcome new experiences are more likely to show positive emotions in their selfies that are more obvious. According to researchers, anxious people often close their lips.

4- How to walk

Body language experts have found a link between how people walk and their personality. Those who squat are often sad. On the contrary, we jump when we are happy. If we change the way we walk, we can change our mood.

In addition, the way we walk can be a sign of our vulnerability. Researchers say you can identify a vulnerable person by the way he or she walks. Bending your head while walking may indicate that you are sensitive and weak at that moment.

5- How to shake hands

Research has shown that how people shake hands can also be related to aspects of their personality. Those who shake hands firmly are more extroverted, which is why they are more receptive to new experiences. These people are less neurotic and shy than those who shake hands.

6. How much time you spend on your cell phone

Scientists have found a link between cell phone addiction and emotional stability. In one study, participants were asked to rate one of these two phrases: I spend more time on my cell phone than I should, and I get anxious when my cell phone is not in front of my eyes.

The researchers found that people who were addicted to their cell phones and spent a lot of time on them were often more anxious and neurotic.

7- Timing

Timing is a trait that is very valuable in the workplace. Research has shown that people who arrive late for work or leave work early may be less motivated. The same is true of the opposite - if you are always on time, you are motivated. But at the end of working hours, you must leave the workplace because continuing to work late can cause burnout.

8- Nerve tics

Scientists filmed people in different situations and watched their reactions. The results showed that those with high perfectionist tendencies were more likely to develop symptoms of anxiety, fatigue, and boredom.

This may be because perfectionists are more likely to do nothing.


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