The Frustrated Singer

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Avatar for ARLuchavez
3 years ago

When I was young, I used to sing a lot in our house, in my school, in any places where I would be, I will sing. For me singing is my greatest talent that I ever had, and big thanks to God that He blessed me with such a nice talent.

During high school, I always join a singing contest especially if the town fiesta is approaching. Every year I joined the contest but not that fortunate. I mean a have the voice, I have the heartfelt singing but still there's someone better then me.

Year 2008, as I remember it was on October, I joined the singing contest named ISABEL IDOL without any hesitations. The nature of the contest will get a number of auditioneers and will sing every Saturday and have an elimination round.

As I remember, we were 23 contestants at that time and will have to sing every week to showcase our singing expertised and be judged. So as the contest is going on, of course me myself will do my best to make it to the top. To make the story short, I made myself to the Finals, we were 8 contestants and guess what?, I am the 1st ISABEL IDOL CHAMPION. I can't imagine myself that time winning the contest because I was just doing my part and my co-contestants were so good also. But thanks because my hardships were paid of and I got the pot money worth 15,000 php. That moment, I felt like I was a superstar and my fans were there especially my family happy seeing me winning it.

But that was before, not now anymore. Now, I think I lost my voice, I don't have confidence anymore. I'm not that good anymore. I don't know how to sing anymore with a heart, I lose breathing, my voice cracked, I can't reach anymore the high notes that I know I belted it before. In my mind, i know I can sing well, but when I sing, I lose my control and finds me hard to breath or where to breath. I felt that I lost it. Maybe it's the effect of depression and all the tragic happenings I had encountered in my life.

Now I call myself a Frustrated Singer because I really want to sing and I love singing sooo much but I can't sing as good as I can before. Something is holding me back and not letting flow the emotions to it and then boom, my voice cracked. I really don't know what to do now, if I will stop singing or just continue singing but I dont know where to start. I dont know how to sing anymore just like before. What should I do???

If you're in my position, will you stop? Or continue singing.

🛎🛎🛎 Please like and do leave a comment guys. Don't forget also to subscribe if you like to read more of my articles. Thank you and a blessed day to everyone.😊😊😊

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for ARLuchavez
3 years ago


I think you should still try again? Maybe don't pressure yourself as much. Just sing for the fun of it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, thanks for the advice. I should try over and over again. 'Till I'm better. Thanks much...😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago