Negative thoughts a deep dig

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3 years ago

Negative thoughts a deep dig

Assalamualaikum everyone hope all of you are good. Today weather is so beautiful rainy weather I am really enjoying it.

So let's start.

It is quite natural that if you are starting new project or in kind of danger or loss type things different thoughts come in your minds.

Sometimes they have relation with reality but very rare times. Most of times negative thoughts come to our minds because we always think that we are going to lose.

So that's why we remain behind in the race of life and can't move forward. I think always those people progress well who don't take tention although their life is full of worries.

So always being thoughts which has better hopes for you in future and don't take tention.Hope you all get it my point of view.

As you all know I mentioned in my previous post that I am not ready for writing article because my mind is not working but I am trying my best to return back to normal routine.

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