Your Partner Is A Separate Entity

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3 years ago

I have noticed that the most successful relationships are the ones where the couple is strong together but also strong apart. The best relationships are the ones where both are supportive of each other's interest even if they aren't their own.

Have you ever ask yourself this questions;

what if my partner do this? What if my partner go ahead without informing me? What's the worst that can happen?

Of course just because they say they want to do something doesn't mean they will. Some very stubborn types will however be more likely to go ahead and do it just because you're objecting to everything they mention. Try to say YES for once and see the magic, they might well never bother you again on irrelevant things.

Sometimes we forget that our partner is a separate entity. We forget that they too have dreams and plans and unfulfilled ambitions. It is our job to encourage them to find their path, to realize those ambitions, to stretch themselves to their fullest extent, to be complete and satisfied and fulfilled.

It is not our job to put them down, ridicule their dreams, belittle their plans or laugh at their ambitions.

Finally, Don't discourage your partner, don't put them off, don't place obstacles in their path or restrict them in any way.

Just because we come together to be a couple for however long, doesn't mean we are joined at the hip and have to think the same, do the same, feel the same, react the same. Learn to see your partner as a separate entity so that they will soar higher too.

Thanks for reading

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3 years ago


Each of us has a dream, a goal to reach, and our partner is our inspiration. Whatever their accomplishment is our pride and their failures is our sadness. Our support and encouragement are their strength, a motivation for them to move on and strive, gives them a feeling of security thus, making the relationship stronger.

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3 years ago

You are endowed with words dear... You are right and we are on thesame page. Couple should encourage themselves more in other to achieve their common goals... Thanks for your contribution

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3 years ago

Yess. Even before people came together they had their own goals and dreams. Being in a relationship shouldn't stop them from achieving that dream but rather encourage them.

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3 years ago

Exactly dear... A lot of relationship has collapse due to the husband stopping the wife from pursuing her dreams all in the name of protecting marriage....this shouldn't be so .. both parties should be able to equalize both dreams and marriage... thanks for your contribution

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3 years ago