Why you should eat eggs often

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4 years ago

Eggs are referred to as original superfood because they are full of nutrients that are required by a developing life and also beneficial to adults.

Although, eggs are seen to have cholesterol content but they also have a positive effect on cholesterol level. That is, the health benefits of egg outweighs its negative.

No matter how it’s prepared, whether cooked, fried, baked, scrambled, it can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Healthy Reasons you should eat eggs often

1.Eggs are filled with vitamins

Vitamins A, B2, B5, B6, B12, D, E and K are inherent in a single egg.

More so, a single egg is loaded with calcium, selenium, folate, phosphorus and zinc.

All these vitamins and minerals help your body to function at its best.

2.Eggs keep the muscles strong

Eggs are rich in protein which is needed by the body for creating all kinds of tissues, maintaining strength and healthy bone.

3.Eggs are good for the eye

Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin that help to prevent serious eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Eggs contain vitamin A which is required for healthy eyes and sharp vision.

4.Eggs help the brain to stay sharp and healthy

Eggs contain a chemical compound called choline which is needed to keep the brain cells health. Choline strengthens the cells membrane, keeps them healthy and well structured.

5.Eggs help to manage weight

You don’t have to consume a lot of eggs to get full and satisfied. A single egg can make you full with less food and reduce the risk of filling yourself with empty calories.

6.Eggs help raise HDL Cholesterol

The High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is a good cholesterol which helps to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke in humans.

This HDL is found in greater measure in eggs.More so, eggs can help make the bad or Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol less harmful.

7.Eggs reduce the risk of stroke

Studies have shown that eggs do not cause increased risk of heart disease or stroke except for people with the “Type 2” diabetes.High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) in eggs might reduce the risk of stroke.

I hope the information provided above is useful?How often do you eat eggs? What’s your favourite way of eating eggs?Please leave your responses in the comment section.

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4 years ago


I learned one egg per day is OK. It is good to eat egg, especially for the growing up children as they really need protein to grow. Thanks, it is a valuable information.

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4 years ago

Thanks dude

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4 years ago

Thanks for this valuable information

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4 years ago

You welcome dude

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4 years ago