What Success Mean To Me

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3 years ago

Before I could write on this topic given by @Eirolfeam2 , I have to do a thorough thinking because this question is concentrated on my own personal answer. Thanks dear for this opportunities and I hope my other friends could participate in this initiative giveaway.

You arrange your success yourself.

Success can be very Simple and at the same time can be very difficult. Success simply means setting a goal or a task to achieve and eventually get to accomplish the set goal.

To me what I called success is when you aim to be the very best at everything you do and not the second best. YES, to me, if you go to work, then do your job as well as is humanly possible. If you are a parent, be the very best parent possible, if you are a gardener, be the best gardener you can be. When you keep your head high and do things in your own best ways, then you will be successful.

Let me share my story with you, there was a time I couldn't face my fear. I wrote entrance examination to higher institution for six times but I couldn't make it then.. I kept on reading and rewriting the examination every year until I erased that fear in me and I changed the impossible to possible in the seventh time. Now today am okay and am tutoring young minds on how to succeed in the examination... See, failure is an option to success.. Allow yourself to be taught by failure.

To succeed in life , face your fear. See once you become the judge, the panel of experts, it is very easy to live up to those expectations because they are entirely yours. If only you can judge whether you have succeeded, then obviously you are going to score 10 out of 10 at all times. Success is when you let go of your fear.

Success might involve lots of impedance which will want to prevent the achievement. But ability to overcome all challenges will bring about SUCCESS.

Success is when you changed every impossible to possible starting from your mind.

In conclusion, your success lies in your hands...always aim for the best at all times and you will attain success, change all impossible to possible, dream big, set goals and take action. All these I term SUCCESS.

Below is the link of the giveaway 👇👇


@Eloquentmercy @reyce @Priti @Olad do well to join.

Thanks again for this opportunity..





$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @Eirolfeam2
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3 years ago


May we be success of all our mission. Ameen

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Negative thoughts are the hindrance of every success and it's unavoidable as human. Fear of failures, incapability fears and pride. Pride, we do not want to be known of failures by our friends and colleagues, that is why we could not go through what we are aiming for. If we learn to humbly accept our failures and push ourselves with belief that we can make it. Success is within yourself, it is just a matter of self determination and focus, allowing space for failures and mistakes, coupled with prayers surely and slowly success is possible. Success depends of what you aim or what are your set of goals.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There was a time most of my friends see me as failure... Fear got me but thanks to my aunt who stood by me and tell me failure leads us to success... We will always be successful if we overcome failure without been shaken

$ 0.00
3 years ago