Understanding Marriage Vows

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4 years ago

Peoples personality differ, their personality includes traits, attitude and character that defines them. Peoples personality trait could be good and bad, but for the sake of the point of this article I would stick to the bad traits.

People could be proud, arrogant, controlling, corny, wicked and so much more. Despite this, everyone on earth still have that one person that seems to understand them and look beyond all their shortcomings.

However, that you love someone does not mean that when they start been manipulative or controlling you would not have your fair share of that attitude especially when it comes from your partner.

The covenant of marriage makes it possible that two people become one, so whatever you do affects your partner too, an aggressive woman could get her husband in trouble when she gets into one.

We sometimes can not decide who we fall in love with or decide how and where we want to meet our life partner. People get married to women older than they are, men who are quick to anger.

In a situation where the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with is older than you or she earns much more than you do as the man, what happens? If one day in the hit of an argument she blurts out ‘do not talk back at me, I have brothers like you at home’ or ‘you cannot demand to know where I go all the time. Afterall, I go out to make money’? what do you do?

What happens in such situation? Most times the man’s ego is bruised and he feels small but yet he cannot do anything about it, because well he promised to stay by her forever. This is why vows should be written to fit the personalities.

In a case like the above, in the woman’s vows, she should include ‘I promise to always be submissive to you and respect you, to always share what I have with you’ (when she earns more it is important that she knows that in this thing called marriage you both are one so she needs to share) this binds her and she constantly remembers that if she should act otherwise she is going against her vows (covenant).

If the man is hot tempered include in his vow that ‘I promise to always care for you, to understand you and not be quick to anger’. When he faults this vow, you know that he has broken the covenant and it becomes a threat to your marriage, marriage should not be an endurance firm, this is to make sure that the woman does not live in hell all her life.

It is true that peoples shortcomings can be worked on, it is true that you should as a person work on your attitude and work towards been the right person for your partner just as they do the same for you; but notwithstanding, since the vows is a part of your lives and serves as the foundation of your marriage, it should include the that you meet the needs of your partner.

It should be written to suit their personalities; a vow should be a commitment by the woman to meet the needs of the man and a commitment by the man to meet the needs of the woman. When you know that the woman you are getting married to is hot headed and stubborn you as the pastor or priest might want to include in the vow a promise that she would submit and respect, because it is easier said than done.

Priests should develop a vow to suit that couple with health issues (could be HIV, could be that the woman lost her womb, or one person has a reckless past; so, no one uses anything against anyone in the nearest future), develop a vow for people who are wealthier.

When you make a commitment to marry someone, you are committing to the persons flaws and the persons being so do not ever use their traits against them, help them work on it. Make vows that protect the interests of the two people involved.

You might be wondering if people can write their vows themselves, well, watch out for next article to find out if you are allowed to write your own marriage vows or not.

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4 years ago


To me, marriage is the combination of two or more persons to become one. The persons concerned could be of different culture, language, customs etc. That means we have combined two or more different things. What matters most in marriage is maturity, especially for man- the head of the house.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I love that word Maturity. thanks

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4 years ago

I see these vows not as promises but as privileges: I care for you and share with you. I get to run with you and walk with you; build with you and live with you. I get to have you be the person I spend the rest of my life with. I get to be there for you and support you.

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4 years ago

Hmmmmm....I love this marriage vows.i hope we can start saying this here in my country

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4 years ago

Question, do we need a personality evaluation before joining two together in marriage? Once two have agreed to marry they have equally agreed to bear with each other short coming. There is no need seeking for perfection because you cannot find any. Marriage is that we know each other short comings but we will can hear with it. The question of if a woman got more money than her man is absurd in true marriage based on biblical foundation, except that woman don't know her purpose of getting married in the first place. Again except for a fool, how will a woman feel to admit she is senior to her husband. If it doesn't get right to hear it doesn't get right to live it.

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4 years ago

Hmmmmm. thanks

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4 years ago