True Situation Analysis Of Life

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4 years ago

*True Situation Analysis of Life.*

After Secondary School..

All your classmates  gone in different directions in the world. Some have completed universities and are now:







Administrators, etc.

Some are married, 

Some have given birth,

Some are still searching and waiting on the Lord.

Some are dead, don't forget that too.

And others are on the sick bed,  

Some are running their higher degrees: Masters, PHD, etc.

Some haven't even gained admission into the tertiary institution and may NEVER be able to.

Some own companies, 

Some are now Directors and major  shareholders in global companies.

But how do you feel 

When you meet your classmates, and it seems like he/she has accomplished their dreams 

And you're not yet close to yours? 

So many thoughts run through your mind, right?

First, you think God has not been fair to you.

How about the ones you meet on the street wearing dirty clothes  and still struggling for survival? 

Do you get the same thoughts running through your mind?

I guess, NO.

Don't forget too that some are already dead.  

Somehow it feels natural to have that  feeling of jealousy for those mates who seem better off,  but it is really unnecessary.

There is no room for regrets,

We are all different and our paths to greatness are also not the same in distance.

Some might have arrived earlier before you and some  after you, but whatever level you find yourself in life, give thanks to God and keep trying to break limitations and move further. God will lead you through...

Celebrate the success of others, its an indication that yours too shall surely come.

Your friend buys a car now, be happy with him/ her. 

Remember when you'll buy yours, 

theirs might not  be the latest again.

There's no permanent champion, but current champion.

Life is not about competition, do not be in a race with anyone; remember,  we may seem to be reading the same book but different chapters at different times.

Don't let the passion in you  kill the desire in you, keep it burning. 

What you're  passing through today;

Write it down (in your heart or where else you can remember) because one day the world would be ready to read it,  they'll become part of your success story.

There's no height you cannot attain, believe in yourself, define your goals,  recognize distractions and don't stop striving.

Spend time teaching yourself, because those things that mainly take people to the top are the things they devoted their time to develop.

Don't be intimidated by your friend's success, the sky is wide enough for birds to fly without touching one another. 

Be courageous and fear not, for God is with you till the end of time.

Value every little thing that God brings into our life, love God and obey Him. 

For with God, all things are possible.

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4 years ago


Really nice to learn alot from you through this your wonderful article. Our lives are moving in different directions. It only takes the grace of God.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks dude

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Now a days children are forces by their gurdians ...along with childern guardians are also in a race..this is not fair... life shouldnot be a competition.Well written...keep it up.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

They say it's not how far but how well

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very well written post! Keep doing what you are doing, waiting for new blogs :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Am honored

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4 years ago