Track Your Expenses

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4 years ago

Most people don't know where the money they earn goes.What percentage of your income goes to food? Transportation? Clothes? Just like in any successful business where you track the revenue and costs periodically, it is also important to track the expenses in our personal lives.

We all have to become the boss if our financial lives and learn to take control of the income they earn now, instead of waiting for their incomes to increase in the future before they learn to manage money.

Some women have no idea how much their lifestyle costs. She may not spend recklessly, but she subconsciously develops a habit of spending good or bad. If you don't treat the money you earn with respect, it will leave you with no respect.

We have to learn how to spend with intention by allocating our resources to reflect the lifestyle we want and are able to sustainably afford. This all starts with having a clear idea of where the money is going in the first place. You have to give up the excuses and learn to control money instead of letting money control you.

I hope this little thought of mine helps the readers. Kindly read my next article on the solutions to track your expenses., subscribe for more articles from me and please share your thoughts to help me too

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4 years ago
