Natural Cure For Ringworm, Eczema and Pimples

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4 years ago

For the permanent cure for Ringworms..

Get 10 lime oranges and a small quantity of potash also get the native soap. Scrape the effected areas very well and rub the mixture, continue applying the mixture for 4 days until you see the Ringworms clears off.

For the total cure of eczema,scabies,rashes and pimples, Get 10 limes, potash and native soap, grind and mix them together. Also squeeze out water from bitter leave and add to the mixture.

Scrape the effected areas very well and consistently rub the mixture for days the skin will come back to normal.

For pimples; mix honey with Aloe Vera gel together and apply it on the effected parts.

Here are effective natural home remedy for any fungal infection... Get a good quantity of scent leaves (sweet Basil leaves) Rub the leaves between the two palms of your hands till it forms a round ball. Squeeze out the juice and apply it immediately on the effected parts. Repeat the method until you get a good response..

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This is very useful i formation espevialy for me . Ringwaorm is my most common alergic i have bee facing till now

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Eehyah.give it a try dude

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great!your post is so helpful for now a days common problem. Pimples has been my problem for long time. I will give try must, i hope it would help to cure.Thank you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Give it a try dude

$ 0.00
4 years ago

If only you can see my face. Pimples has been my problem for years now. I will give this your formula a try, i hope it would help cure this forever

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You can also use Y-tacan cream too

$ 0.00
4 years ago