My Tuesday Affirmation

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4 years ago

Tuesday Affirmations

I am changing in positive ways. I am making peace with my past and accepting myself.

I make healthy choices and choose to love myself a bit more every day.

Achieving my goals feels easy and exciting

My body is strong, i am capable and beautiful

I believe i can and I will

I will believe wholeheartedly in my self worth and act accordingly.

God will do exeedingly abundantly above what I ask

God will do more than what I imagined in my wildest dreams

I will be at the right place,at the right time.

Opportunities meets with preparation in my life

I am organized and Productive

I am favouredEvery day

Good morning to all my friends on

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4 years ago


Amazing.. Yes we should believe in ouselves that we can do and we will do. God will help us.

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4 years ago