Monetizing your Talent,Hobby and Passion

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4 years ago

A talent not served cannot yield result and this is the fundamental problem why millions across the globe are financial stressed and not happy at what they do. A lot more people have just not discovered/found or realized that God-given talent/gift or what they are passionate about to train, learn and develop it so they can monetize it for benefits.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Cr7 is the admiration of the world today and the best score/football player on the planet. He just didn’t rise to fame and dominance in the world of football but it took him years of training,hard work, consistency, persistence, perseverance, determination, strong will power,brevity,boldness, and focus to achieve and get the admiration of  people across the globe.

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On the other hand, most people I have engaged who have discovered their talent /passion do not even know or believe they can do anything with it. I always advice people to take a minute and think about all the successful and prominent names they know, they are people who love what they do, most of them it’s their hobby or talent they have turned into a business and that has made them very successful, given them fame and recognition both locally and globally.

Take Away: Discover your Talent,, Work hard and train, be consistent and bold, with specific goals and with practice you can become financially free when you monetize what you love doing.


  • Turn your Talent/Hobby and Passion into a product or service

  • Train/learn add knowledge and practice to grow your talent/hobby and passion

  • Build/connect with a network of people with similar talent/hobby and passion to learn more to become better at what you love doing

  • Find the fault line of your talent/hobby and passion and seek help to mitigate its effect on your growth

  • Start small, be patient and consistent and WORK HARD

  • You will Fail and fall but when you Fail start again

  • The world is not interested in your struggle but your success, KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL

  • Accept criticisms and be humble

  • Lastly, give back to humanity.

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4 years ago


In developing country it is not easy for many people to take occupation according to their passion, they are only looking for money for their poverty, many of them sacrifice their life, hobby just ONLY for their family.

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4 years ago

Thank you for your useful advise and tips on how to tap talents to make money. In Africa especially, we place higher value on paper certificates; until recently when people are turning talents into opportunities, e.g look at Nigeria's entertainment industry today.

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4 years ago