Life Is Not Balance

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4 years ago

One thing about life is that life is a state which is not constant, it changes with time, that is dynamic. To some life is good, fun, wonderful to them while to some it's hectic, un peaceful, full of worries, in short, life hasn't been fair enough to them. Some times, it's not how you planned your life that you live it,it's not always smooth,most time you live your life as it comes your way. Even animals don't have a stable life .

As a little child years back, all my thoughts was how to become a medical Doctor. When people asked about what I had loved to become in future, I would tell them bodly that I would love to become a medical Doctor. Funny enough I never become that. I waited for several years but it doesn't comes my way.seriously, life is not balance.

Most of my colleagues we had that dream together then are now doctors and some couldn't reach where I am today.see unbalanced life.

Where some people could afford three meals square without been stressed, some can't afford one meal at all. Where some could afford to send their children abroad to study, to have fun, some couldn't afford to sponsor theirs. Life that is dynamic!

After, this heavy thought this morning, I made up my mind to live my life to the fullest no matter what life throws at me.

Please friends share your own thought about life and let's learn from your thought.

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4 years ago


Good and Evil Balances Life. All these came to existence the Moment the Sacred Fruit was eaten at the Garden of Eden.

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4 years ago

Hmm...Garden of Eden but Christ has come to give us eternal life which is not full of ups and downs

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4 years ago