It's Not About Getting Married

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3 years ago

See young folks, it is not about getting married, it is about being happily married. If it were about getting married to anybody, then you could as well go to a native doctor or somebody to do something for you to get married.

Infact, you could even buy a husband or a wife. However, I believe marriage is beyond getting married but being happily married.

And trust me, It is better to be happy and single than to be married and sad. That is why my emphasis is on how to help you build the marriage of your dreams, not just to marry anybody or marry at all cost must be happily married.

Many people think marriage is the last bus stop especially ladies but which is not, marriage is not an end in itself, it's just a means to the end which is fulfilment.

Marriage is a long trip and if you are not fulfilled, you will be discontented. There is no middle ground, it's either one or the other. That is why you must prepare well and do the right things before you hand over to life to a man. You have to be sure that the man you are giving the rest of your life to is worth it.

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3 years ago


Sounds terrible and pathetic to me to buy a partner. It's 2020 and we buy a partner, a human being. It sounds like slavery to me.

In life, it's not even about marriage. It's about developing yourself, being satisfied which brings happiness. If people are totally happy living with parents, neighbors, friends, dogs, or cats it's as good, if not better, than marriage.

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3 years ago

Hmmmmmmmmmmm...I concur with your opinion. Been single is better than a marriage without happiness

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's not about an unhappy marriage but about there's nothing wrong with not getting married. What is the point of being married? It's a subject you frequently write about. For example: I am not married and will never get married. I do not see the benefit of a marriage. I can take care of myself, do as I like. Why should I give up on that? Why should I share my house, my bed, my time, my energy with a man who will except a lot from me and consumes my income, time and energy?

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3 years ago

Hmm ... anyways thats your opinion... everybody have different reasons of not doing the general stuff...

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3 years ago