How To Make Face Wash To Treat Acne,Black Spot and White Head.

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4 years ago

Sometimes having acne, pimples, black spots and the likes can be so frustrating. If you aren't careful, you might even loose your self confidence leading to low self esteem because of the way people look or relate with you.

I once remember then when I had black spots all over my face due to this popular disease called chicken pox, I was so devastated and rub my face with alot of makeup just to cover up. But you know,having such skin isn't that bad, what is bad is you not doing anything about it for a long time.

Later on someone introduce me to this home made remedy which really helped me. So i decided to share with everyone this easy home made remedy, it is a simple and cheap treatment for having that spotless skin.


- 1 big African black soap

- 1-2 lemon

- 4 tablespoon tumeric

- 4 tablespoon cinnamon

- 4 tablespoon powdered milk

- 4 tablespoon honey


- Cut your black soap into pieces, pour into a bowl and add hot water to make it melt.

- Cut the lemon and squeeze out the juice into a bowl.

- Pour the lemon juice into the liquid black soap and mix very well.

- Add the honey to the mixture.

- Add the powdered ingredients (cinnamon,tumeric, powdered milk) to the mixture.

- Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

- Pour the mixture into a container of your choice and boom your face wash is ready. Isn't that nice?

Use this liquid soap to bath and wash your face daily and you would marvel at the awesome results.

I hope you find this helpful because it really worked for me.

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4 years ago


I really have to try this, i just hope it works out for me seriously because I am really tired of fighting pimples everytime

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Eehyah.try it dear and thank me later

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow i fins thia article very intereating. Because i myseld is still facing thia face akin problem thnks

$ 0.00
4 years ago can try it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice post regarding Home made face wash. Big african black soap is missing in our country. can i use regular soap?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Use the following then,trust me it's gonna work perfectly without black soap.Iemon,honey, powdered milk and coffee. Leave for 20mins before watching wt soap.Do this at least 3times in a week. Thank me later

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Okay. Thank you for your suggestion. I will follow this procedure and apply it in my face very soon.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You welcome

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Use lemon and honey alone. Leave for 20mins before watching wt soap.Do this at least 3times in a week.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Generally i use lemon and honey mix in my face to prevent the oil skin and use a Borolin cream for Acne.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I do use lemon and honey alone if I couldn't lay hands on all the ingredients and trust me it works. thanks

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4 years ago