God's Love Beyond Human

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4 years ago

God made and loves all the people of the world (including you)! He has a purpose and a plan for our lives which includes hope and a blissful future. Unfortunately,many are yet to experience God's love and purpose. This is because of sin,sin causes a separation from God. Yet,God loves and offers us all the free gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ his son.

Through this transaction he rescues is from bondage of sin and Satan,and transfers is to the kingdom of his beloved son. It is a transaction that was done by faith,it's only when we are being dealt with our flesh,that's when we can move on as a child of God.

If only you can confess with your mouth and believe that Jesus is Lord,he is ready to package you in a very good way. The love towards us is beyond human,obey his instructions and he will never ceases to bless and amaze u with testimonies.

His love for us is incomparable

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4 years ago


Yep for God so loved the world that he sent Jesus Christ to Died for our sins and rose again in great power and victory, as our Lord and Saviour! Jesus is the way, the Truth and the life! The only way to God.

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4 years ago