Fix Your Mind

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3 years ago

When it comes to the laws of life, they are fixed, sure and certain. For instance, gravity shows that what is thrown or lifted up, comes down. So the laws and principles of life are certain, fixed and proven time and again.

This gives us the assurance that what we do is sure to bring results. So when you pursue your goals realise that what you do or don't do is bound to bring the results of that action.

This means success is not a hit-in-the dark activity. If you apply the laws and principles, you are sure to receive the results. This should give you the needed confidence to pursue your goals without any fear or uncertainty. If you do the work, you will get the result.

Therefore let it be fixed in your mind that your success is certain, guaranteed and sure if you apply the principles. There's no room for fear and uncertainty. The laws always work in your favour if you apply them.

Don't forget success is in your DNA!

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.

Belief is a source of commitment, confidence and courage. If you strongly believe in yourself, you are likely to be goal-oriented, hardworking, determined, and persistent in striving for success.

It’s a fine line, but if you don’t jump out to do something you’ll never get there.

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3 years ago


Nice one

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3 years ago

Thanks friends

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3 years ago