Failure Isn't The End You

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3 years ago

Goodmorning Readcashites.... Hope we all slept well...this morning i want to talk about failure. Dear friends, its okay to fail many times, its okay to repeat a class many times, its okay to run at loss many times. But if you didnt rise up from your failure then you cant rise up to success.

Therefore, knowing that it's okay to fail allows you to take more risks in life. Even if you've failed in the past, don't be afraid to fail again.

Although, Failure hurts alot... It gives a deep pain when you see your mates been successful in the same thing you are making failure from. Listen, dont feel like specks of dust, it's an inherent part of any successful person. People can only succeed through failure. The more you keep trying, the more you learn from your mistakes.

A lack of persistence is a great obstacle to success. There are so many incredibly talented and gifted people who fail time and time again because they rely too much on their talents. They are not willing to persist until they've completely mastered what they're doing. Instead, they quit when the going gets tough.

Remenber this, no great success  was ever achieved without failure, it may be one epic failure. But, whether we like it or not, failure is a necessary stepping stone to achieving our dreams.

Thanks for reading, God bless you all....

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3 years ago


A lack of persistence is a great obstacle to success. There are so many incredibly talented and gifted people who fail time and time again because they rely too much on their talents. They are not willing to persist until they've completely mastered what they're doing. Instead, they quit when the going gets tough. I love this article seriously...... This is so true artical ❤️❤️❤️

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3 years ago

Oh my... Thanks dear...When people are successful, we always focus on their success, not on the years of struggle, failure and trying again and again. We only see the bright side and don’t want to or forget about the years of hard work, while those years mostly bring the most inspiring and motivational stories. So do not be afraid of failure, it is a part of your road to success.

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3 years ago

Yes dear you are absolutely right...... we should do not afraid failure.... it is a most important part of our road success..... keep it up thank you❤️

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3 years ago

Absolutely true, permit to put it like this '' failure gives you strength sometimes and boldness to face any circumstances ''.

Because, it's help you to get more knowledge and experience, it might make someone to always look up to you, since you have been, they will look unto you for advice.

Always See any of your mistakes as a stepping stone to a greatness.

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3 years ago

I love that word, it give us strength and brings out the potentials in us. Failure won't kill you but your fear to fail just may keep you from success. Success is good but failure is better. You must not let successes get to your head but also must not let failure consume your heart. Failure simply means there is something to be learned or another direction to be taken.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're right, failure isn't the end, we gats work and be smart

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3 years ago

Well said order to reach your ultimate potential, your personal best and to make the ‘impossible’ possible, you need to push yourself, go to the absolute limits and definitely not fear failure. When you have a no fear attitude and embrace failure it will maximize your motivation, determination and perseverance.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Understand the precept of failure and the way and manner things should be is what make us great, failure is a very necessary thing in life we can't over look it nor under estimate it . Their are just thing that are sacrosanct that we may get things together.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In order to grow, you need failure, it is life’s ultimate lesson. Failing will happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, so you might as well have a ‘no fear’ attitude towards it. This does not mean you should expect to fail, but when it happens accept it. There is value in failure. Through failure you will get to know yourself better and you will learn from your mistakes. Failures make us rethink, reconsider and find new ways and strategies to achieve our goals.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Right dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right dear... There is no way you are planning to achieve your goals there we still be some challenges ahead of you Failure is just to challenge you and to motivate you more . Whenever failure arise does not mean it is impossible Accept the challenges of life and move on

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3 years ago

Exactly dear. Failure is probably one of the aspects in life most people are afraid of. But the truth is: everyone has failed and everyone will fail again. We sometimes forget that all successful people have failed, but they did not stop after their failures. So do not be afraid of failure, it is a part of your road to success. Thanks for your contribution

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3 years ago