Eating too much of These Foods is Dangerous to your Health

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4 years ago

While good food is useful for the body and vital for endurance, people are likewise expected to be careful about the dinners they eat and the rate at which they devour them. 

A few sorts of delicacies, whenever taken too much, are equipped for causing wellbeing dangers. 

The responsibility is on you to realize why certain foods are undesirable, why you shouldn't take them and how you can settle on better decisions on consistent schedule. 

Here are some foods that are harmful to the health when the consumption is too much, one should keep an eye out for. 

1. Egusi Soup

At the notice of this soup, many will salivate as it is highly adored by numerous Nigerians… however hold that spit. 

Egusi contains something many refer to as phytosterols which when devoured, contend with cholesterol for ingestion in the stomach related framework. 

Additionally, egusi has a significant level of calories and when embellished with not many lumps of stock fish and two bits of meat, it has an aggregate of around 700 calories for every serving. 

Think of devouring it with around 3 wraps of Garri which is around 600Cal.

2. Bread

Bread is broadly devoured day by day throughout the nation particularly because it doesn't need to be cooked before utilization. 

Bread has a place with the class of starchy-equipped foods and unmistakable utilization pose the danger of getting diabetes. 

In the event that you are taking in 100 grams of bread, you are devouring 265 calories, particularly when you are taking it in as white bread. 

Some Nigerian-made breads are additionally not totally bromate free. 

Potassium bromate is added to help fortify the bread better and this concoction is malignant which post the danger of getting cancer. 

3. Noodles

While noodles can't be known as a Nigerian delicacy, it has been received into Nigeria's surge of food sources with the end goal that it is devoured by both youths and the older ones. 

Nigerians go for noodles since it is modest, simple and quick to cook, henceforth the popular nickname "Instant-Noodles" 

Tests have uncovered that noodles contain high sodium which aside being destructive, causes coronary illness and skin harm. 

Eating a lot of noodles is awful for absorption and it additionally prompts corpulence. 

4. Garri(Eba)

Prepared from cassava, Eba is a nourishment wealthy in starch; both the yellow and the white kind. 

Garri assists with reestablishing lost vitality however a high pace of utilization causes more damage than anything else. 

A small measure of the unprepared flakes contains around 360 calories, 95% of which is starches and further utilization with soup, meat and additionally fish, expands the degree of calories. 

Devouring a lot of starch-equipped foods like eba resembles greeting overabundance weight wholeheartedly.

5. Rice

Rice is wealthy in starches and genuinely low in calories. It is a decent wellspring of vitality since it is sugar thick. 

Devouring a lot of sugar thick foods may make one eat little of different nutritious dinners required for a sound life. 

Eating an excessive amount of rice could unfavorably influence glucose digestion in the body. 

White rice contains around 4 grams of fiber for every measure and when taken in large quantity will make the stomach to be filled easily and more nutritious food might be taken in low quantity which pose a great threat.

Sufficient research has it that white rice builds the danger of getting diabetes due to the presence of a chemical substance known as phytic acid.

It is fitting to devour earthy colored rice or decrease the pace of white rice intake.

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$ 0.10 from @Koush
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4 years ago


I am very much afraid to read your article. We usually take rice two times at a day. I don't know that taking too much instant noodles and bread are harmful for our health.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

They are.too much of everything is bad . You can do a rooster for your will help

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We should maintain a balance dieting and need to ignore those type of food which are harmful for our health.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Egusi is just my favorite soup.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Me too but too much of it is not good for the body..... everything should be taken with minimal.... prevention is better than cure.....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for this information. If you examine this list of foods, it will be discovered that those are the common food in Nigeria. By now, people should utilize this information to safe their health.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hmmmmm...yes that's true. thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well prepared egusi is my favorite and am guilty of consuming it to excess when available. It's sad to note that too much of it can be harmful to health. I guess doing everything in moderation is the best option. Thanks for the post

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You welcome

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Informative article more of it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Informative article more of it

$ 0.00
4 years ago