Don't Be Too Quite.

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4 years ago

I do tell people, it's better to be reserved than to be quite. Many people who keeps mute at all times have nothing upstairs.When the time to talk about reasonable topics, open up and share thoughts with your fellow because that is how to learn.

Some people keep quiet so that they won't hurt their fellow while some intentionally keeps quite just in the name of been seen as a quite and gentle type.

You see, when it comes to their relationship life there partners complain about them been boring, couldn't relate to things because they have nothing to gist about so they keep dodging under been quite.

Friends please let's stop been to quite but be reserved in such a way that you don't talk unreasonable gist's, keep calm and add your own thought about any topic raised and be current. Learn to know little about all things like things going on in your immediate environment,in the world, professions, Entrepreneurship and so on.No man is ready for a dull lady and vise versa.

Don't be lousy, don't be too quite but relate with people with calmness talking sensible things. Be reserved. Or guys what do you think?

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4 years ago
