Do You Believe in God's Miracles?

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4 years ago

Most times I think of this precious word MIRACLES, I can do but just marvel and blessed my Heavenly Father. The New Testament gives numerous account of the miracles Jesus did during His earthly ministry. John 2:23 tells us that many believed in Him when they saw the miracles He did. But there were also many in His day who didn't believe in Him despite the miracles. It's the same thing today; there're some who say that miracles don't exist; but theirs is a twisted opinion. Some of us have lived in, and experienced, the miraculous; we see, breathe, and experience miracles all the time. 

The very idea of the existence of a God is to believe in the supernatural intervention in the affairs of men. 

God is a Spirit, and He lives in the realm of the spirit. When you pray to Him, a God that you can't see with your physical eyes, and He answers you from the realm of life, that's a miracle. His answer to your prayers is His response, and that's what changes things. 

God doesn't need to respond if you don't need a miracle. You wouldn't need Him to do for you what you can, and should do for yourself. For example, He doesn't help you put on your clothes or shoes, or put food in your mouth; you can do all that by yourself and for yourself. If you're thirsty for water He doesn't give you a drink. But if you don't have access to the water, you can act your faith and He'll grant you a miracle. 

When you need a miracle, it means you need something that only God can do; the moment you act on the Word, He responds! He never fails to show up, as He always responds to faith. You can trust Him for a miracle for your health, finances, academics, job or business, and for your family. 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). If you accept and act on His Word as others did in Bible days, you'll get the same results. This is what many are doing today, and experiencing His miracles. 

Do you believe God's Miracles?

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4 years ago


I honestly don't believe it much, but I believe that sometimes there is luck and bad luck. These are things that happen randomly without any miracle, I think it's just a story told in which some have started to believe. It all depends on us and nobody else.

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User's avatar Axi
4 years ago

Hmm.but I believe and i experience it more, that's what I walk in

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I some tims do belive but mostly no . It depends on our hsrd work and dedication . Withought dis there nothing so call luck and miracles

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hmm...but I disagree.if it's on hardwork, dedicated alots of people would be living like a King. But this miraculous God work things out for us because we were not worthy of any thing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes it is, there are a lot of miracles. You can even try, be a walking miracle.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Oh yes we are...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes I believe.and I believe in God also. i watched some people's life are changed overnight.i think, Miracle is proportional to fortune.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hmm . thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing article. Yes it is, there are a lot of miracles. You can even try, be a walking miracle.


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4 years ago

Yeah. We are Walking, talking , breathing miracles

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4 years ago

Honestly, I do and some time I don't. I do believe in hard work and sometimes I do believe in God, God bless me and God is the only one who knows everything about me. God will prepare my lifetime book before I prepare my plans.. So I do and I don't both I do.. 😊

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

You're welcome

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4 years ago