Delicious Ewedu Soup

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4 years ago

Note: pictures are downloaded from Google for pictorial illustration on how the ingredients look like.

Let's go to the kitchen dudes......

This soup is popularly called by the yoruba tribe in Nigeria as Ewedu soup and am proud to be part of them. The Ewedu is a green leafy edible vegetable which is often prepared into a delicious slimy soup. In English, it is known fully as Jute Mallow or Jew's mallow. Jute leaves are very rich in minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants.

This soup is very good for both infants and adults, especially pregnant women for easy digestion of food and ease delivery.

Oh... Enough of explanation and let's go to the kitchen.........

Ingredients needed

Ewedu plant ( just plant)


Seasoning cubes


Locust beans

A pinch of Potash

Now let's get started.

Take your jute plants and take out only the leaves, rinse well and blend . Put the blended leaves in your pot.

Take your locust beans rinse and pour inside the same pot with the leaves

Add your Potash,salt and seasoning cubes. Place the pot on fire and cook for few minutes ( 3_5mins is okay)

Waoh we are done!

Am smelling the aroma already.yummy!!!

To enjoy the soup,make a side stew and make a solid food

like Semovita, amala(yam flour) , eba ( cassava flour) or pounded yam.

That's all.hope you guys enjoy our food today.

$ 0.11
$ 0.10 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @thesatoshistore
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Avatar for ADEPRETTY
4 years ago


Wow So delicious and yummy. I like this soup..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks dude.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

To be honest I have no idea what I am looking at or why it is called "soup". Soup you eat with a spoon and is a starter, a stew isn't a starter. I don't recognize any of these ingredients which means I can't try it out (I could make a stew with meat, pepper and onions).

Perhaps @heartbeat1515 or @marblely know more.

An interesting recipe you shared. 👍

Btw I don't think it's allowed to use photos from google. There's copyright on it or am I mistaken?

Use your own, or undplash or some other sites which provide in free pictures. 🍀

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Concerning the pictures I will remember that in my next articles.

Anyways that's a soup in Nigeria in which everyone love eating.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for the upvote @ thesatoshistore

$ 0.00
4 years ago