Broke? Why Are You Broke?

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4 years ago

Broke means if you lost your primary source of income today, you wouldn't be able to maintain the lifestyle you have become accustomed to because you have no assets to rely on.

We must dismiss this idea that that we will always make more money.We have a finite amount of productive years to work; many people will never be as agile both mentally and physically as they are now.

What happens in thirty years when you can no longer work as hard and have no cushion to fall back on? Poverty and dependence on others is inevitable. In order to build wealth, this mentality has to change.

Developing a wealthy mindset requires the understanding of the concept that the way you spend, invest and manage ten naira or $1 is the same way you will spend, invest and manage ten million or $100.

Learn how to save or building assets in proportion to what you earn.Many people have built expensive lives they can't sustain because they continuously spend everything they earn and as such, have a revolving door for their money.

It is time you change before it's too late.

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4 years ago


I had hard times in past, no presents for the christmas, no friends, nothing at all. once I remember for one dollar I was selling my potato-body just to earn some bucks, it was really sad time, I had nothing. I was selling my potato peels on the street, at night I came home naked ... now I'm self-employed-potato and I'm doing quite well. Seeing is believing so believe in your powers as I believed in my potato power!

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3 years ago

Being broke its like everything you lost in one time... But you have calm, and try to relax... Talk with your best friend you will get over it faster..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article. Being broke is one of the things i hate so much but i thank God I usually get over it fast. I hope i keep on getting over it

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4 years ago

Thanks.amen to your prayers

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4 years ago

Being broke, it is temporary. Change is inevitable. People that are broke who overcome the challenge through change itโ€™s what I applaud. Maybe they experience that to learn a lesson. It is a gift.

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4 years ago

It is good to always remember the point that a time will come when the agility to work will not be there anymore. Safe money for that time. Thank you my dear sister for this article.

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4 years ago

I am glad I am not broke although I am not rich or wealthy either.

To me broke means not enough to spend and life a normal life. A life with healthy food. If it comes to my definition of "broke" I definitely belong to that group. ๐Ÿ’•

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4 years ago

Hmmmmm.....but broke to me is different from poor

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4 years ago