Before You Say Yes

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3 years ago

Over the years I have seen women make the same mistakes over again in relationships. A lot of times especially because of the environment we live in, women feel undue pressure to get married especially when they are within a certain age bracket and it looks like time is passing by. Your friends are married, your cousins are married and even your colleagues are married.

Everywhere you look or turn, someone is getting married and because you feel left out, the moment and guy proposes, you want to fast forward everything so that you can have that ring on your finger as quickly as possible.

I understand your situation but the truth is, if you've waited this long, you might as well wait and do it right so that you can get the desired result, a fruitful marriage.

My dear ladies, don't let anything or anyone pressure you into doing anything. Don't rush anything, it doesn't matter how good looking, rich or nice he is, there are certain things you must consider, certain things that are important to the survival of that relationship in marriage.

You must ask questions. You must study his character, take your time to not only ask the right questions but also be patient enough to get the answers before you say yes to that proposal. You will save yourself a lot of headache eventually.

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3 years ago


Hmmmm... Lesson learnt thanks for the post

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3 years ago

You welcome.

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3 years ago