Are You A Bad Friend?

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3 years ago

Many people always shift the blame of been bad to the other partner in friendship... Does that mean they are 💯 good? Do they think they are never at fault for once?

A bad friend has no self-control and doesn't care about the consequences of telling your secrets to others which are things a good friend would never intentionally do.

You yourself struggle to remember the last time you apologized to your friend? chances are you are not only an insensitive friend who rarely considers someone else's feelings, but you're also a selfish one too.

Check your attitude too... Bad friends are easy to know. It is either you change yourself or change others to have a good friendship

You may try to lift a friend's negative attitude or mood by talking to them, but if they don't make any effort to change, then drift away from them.

Don't let your friendships suffer at the emotional expense of your stubborn and unresponsive approach. Instead, try to cultivate empathy, see the issue from the other person's perspective, and talk openly about how both sides feel rather than disregarding or shutting down the other person's viewpoint. If you want to keep your friends by willingness and not force, then showing empathy, self care, honesty, giving reasonable advices to each other is one of the most important aspects needed to keep your friendships together.

Thanks for reading

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3 years ago


Being a friend means you are there if your friends need you. Being a bad friend means you are busy, your friend in need is not the first priority. It has nothing to do with not keeping a secret or gossiping or not willing to apologize.

My friends can say to me what they like, share their opinion and if they are angry with me (never happened) they tell me too. Most likely they talk about me with others but I doubt it's in a bad way or gossiping. I can not remember we ever had a fight or expected an apology.

We live our own lives, do not live nearby any longer. We know how to reach each other in times of need and try to listen, help. There isn't more in it.

At times we cannot help. Perhaps we do not like to help. This means we might not be best, real friends. I don't know.

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3 years ago

A good friend should impact your life in positive manner. Bad company corrupts good manners that should always sink in our memory.

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3 years ago

First we have to listen to each other in order to understand. And sometimes we have remove our ego... And you first talk to your partnar

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3 years ago