Have not be able to write because have been busy. Have you ever thought over these questions before? How can we help people when they are down? How can we help people when there emotions are down?How can we help people when they feel so lonely? And feeling empty or even hopeless.
The fact remains that life is full of ups and downs. A lot is happening to people. Many people have things they are struggling with but you may not know. Why? Some covered it up well and some pretend nothing is wrong.
Some one may be at the edge of giving up! Some close to you may be having suicidal thought and you may not know!
Exactly why a smile and care from you can make another person feel special.
You may say God forbid that anyone close to be will die by suicide...hmmm yes I say Amen to it for you. but do you know that suicide doesn't discriminate! In short anyone can act upon suicidal thoughts any time so learning about how to prevent it is important.
Suicide is a complex act and serious public health problem.Close to 800,000 people die by suicide every year and for every suicide there are many more suicide attempt. In fact, many youth die by suicide, according to statistics, suicide is the third leading cause of death in 15-29 years of old.
There is no single determining cause of suicide but there are many risks factors for suicide which are prior suicide attempt, depression and other mental health disorders, susbstance abuse disorder, family violence etc.
Reason why we must learn to be there for people. Show love to everyone around you. Only God knows what they are passing through, don't add more salt to the injury.
Be responsible for your fellow friends, neighbor. When someone mood around you is constantly changing...then you need to quickly come in to help. Help them in any way you think your help will be sufficient for them. Ask them why they are moody, no one knows if the solution they need to the problems they are facing lies in your hands.
I have a friend who is passing through a thorough situation, she never say it out. She was critically sick, she will come to office pretending everything is alright with her. She was at the verge of losing her life. So I intentionally visited her one weekend when I noticed that she's suffering from a typhoid fever and they've gone to the hospital but to no avail. I just prescribed some medicinal plants to her and she used them and she was healed .
What if I didn't check on her? She might have become dead, who knows. See check out on your neighbors, walk down your street and ask the welfare of people living around you. You might not know if one of your neighbor is thinking of committing suicide due to trials if life.
Even if you have nothing, your word of advice, your prayers will go a very long way. See without them, you are not complete because in my country there's an adage that says human beings are our cover clothes. Yes, they are the one we will see when we need help or doing something great in life.
Anyone can have suicidal thought! More reason we need to pay attention to our mental health and much emphasis on connection
When you know of any one with suicidal thought, do not stigmitize them! Do not discard their emotions.
Do not tell them that you will keep the secret of their suicidal thought
Learn to have safe conversation with anyone you think has suicidal thought. Do not say you will go to hell if you kill yourself
Do not say, what I am going through is more than what you are going through yet I am not thinking of killing myself. Learn to help them get professional help when need be
Suicide is not a normal response to stress. No one is using suicide as a threat so don't ignore any warning signs!
You can ask the person, would you like to talk about what's on your mind???
The little care you shows goes a very long way that you might think.save a soup today.. let's make this world a better place. There is no better place for me and you without our loved ones. Let's all learn to stretch forth our hands to help other.
Thanks for reading
Waoh.....Thanks @Telesfor for the upvote I really appreciate it... thanks for recognizing my article