Have you achieved your goal: The importance of reviewing your progress

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2 years ago

We have a tendency to be change oblivious. We frequently don't realize how far we've come or how far we've come towards our goals, which can be discouraging. When we can't see our own accomplishments clearly, it's simple to discount them.

When we desire to go on, though, it's also simple to stay put. We may not realize that we promised to do something a year ago and have scarcely progressed since then. To avoid becoming too engrossed in our routine, we must check our progress on a frequent basis and make it a habit. What is the significance of this?

It assists us in staying on track.

We all have hectic schedules. There's job, family, hobbies, and a plethora of television shows to catch up on. It's all too easy to lose track of what we're doing or intending to do.

We can keep our goals fresh in our minds and avoid being sidetracked by everything else that is going on if we examine our progress on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Take pride in your accomplishments.

Reviewing your progress might assist you in recognizing your achievements. It's all too simple for us to disregard something after we have it, which can be demoralizing.

Our accomplishments become more apparent as we review our progress, and it is easier for us to see how far we have progressed.

Make a course correction

In some circumstances, we may not be employing the most appropriate strategy or plan. We shouldn't expect to stick to a diet for a year just to discover that it didn't help at all. It's a waste of both our time and money. Tracking our progress allows us to evaluate what's working and what isn't, and to make course corrections as needed.

Let's pretend we're studying for a highly critical exam. We must assess our knowledge and skills on a frequent basis to ensure that we are comprehending everything correctly and employing the most effective study tactics.

The sooner we see errors or difficulties, the sooner we may correct them and go closer to our final goal.

When you keep track of your progress, it's easier to spot potential roadblocks. It's simple to skip a few days without working out, but if you measure your progress on a weekly basis, you'll notice a pattern. It gives you the ability to assess what's going on with you and what's particularly difficult or always in your way.

Smaller goals can help you stay motivated.

Many of the objectives are enormous. Getting an education or finishing a novel takes years. Losing weight could take months.

Tracking our progress allows us to automatically break down major goals into smaller ones, allowing us to stay motivated by completing new tasks every day or week and getting closer to the finish line.

For example, if you want to reduce 10 kg, break it down into smaller targets, such as dropping 2 kg. Once you've done so, you'll be able to rejoice in your accomplishment and be inspired to keep going.

Obtain feedback

Examining our progress gives us feedback and forces us to compare our plans to reality. Are our objectives attainable? Is this work more difficult or less difficult than it appears? Perhaps you require additional time to achieve your objective.

Progress provides continuous input on what we're doing and where we're at in the process, ensuring that we're always up to date.

Share with others.

When you evaluate your progress, you may more easily share it with others, whether to teach or help them, or to get their support for your objectives. It keeps track of everything you've done instead of relying on our usually shaky recollections.

It's not only important for others, but it may also be a method for you to reflect on what you accomplished years later.

Growth that is more efficient

Tracking your progress allows you to see how much effort and time you've put in, as well as the outcomes you've achieved. This is useful information since it will allow you to focus your efforts on the most effective activities.

Tracking what you've done and using that information to improve and optimize the process will help you grow more.

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Written by
2 years ago


I forgot to always check if my goals are achieved or is it progressing. Thanks for the reminder

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2 years ago