There are days when I can't control my mind, it must be something hormonal or the moon that affects me sometimes, stirs up my feelings, makes me see bad things where there are none ... Just like today I try to overcome anxiety by organizing the closet and it was worse ... I ended up leaving the house and hitting the road without direction or direction.

It is normal from time to time to be with this concern of not being able to do or be where I want, and tomorrow everything will be normal. Today I feel indecision ...

I decided to want to solve what I have postponed for 2 years the same time that this pandemic arrived that ended up turning everyone's lives like when we turned an omelette that we are cooking, but this omelette burned on one side.

I am in my days where what I want is to go back in time and arrive right at the moment where I had a life that was normal for me.

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@G3ENIUSS posted 2 years ago
