A quick primer on Decentralized Crypto Domain (Web 3.0).

The existing login or sign-up systems are now less and less dependent on email. For instance, you can create new accounts on any website using your Facebook or Google credentials.

As digital and crypto natives, such interoperability is not at all foreign, and we have been doing so by approving sign-in with our wallets whenever we want to use decentralized applications.

The naming protocol will become your internet identity. There are currently four popular decentralized DNS protocols -

  • Ethereum Naming System (ENS)
  • Handshake (HNS)
  • Unstoppable Domain (UD) (P.S - I have already purchased CryptoMaverick.coin at UD)
  • Y.at. (Yat)

I prefer UD purely because it is a one-time purchase and the NFT minting on Polygon is super easy.

I did look up ENS as well to get .eth domain, which was relatively cheap $5 onwards. But the gas fees (obviously) were just astronomical ($60).

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@CryptoMaverick posted 2 years ago
