Late again
I ended up late in bed last night, with late I mean late for me. I should say late these days. I'm a night owl but with children and the need to wake up early, I'm forced to change my lifestyle. It doesn't do me any good but nevertheless, I am partly used to forcing myself out of bed. Not healthy for me or my children but society (work, school, the life we are all forced into) doesn't care about people with a different biorhythm (If you wonder we still struggle with summer and winter time which brings us nothing).
It was long after midnight and I felt full of energy. Too much energy. For a moment I thought I too an overdose of vitamin C. Vitamin C you may as or wonder? well, I once read if you lie to now if you have a lack of it you should take a pill every hour till your body gives the signal it had enough. Enough means you get very active or will have a long sit on the toilet. As my friend asked me which vitamins she should buy and we spoke about the most needed, why and their use, I didn't tell her about the diarrhoea side effect as she asked me how to figure out if she has a deficiency. Most likely she has just like all of us but the thing is she just told me about her long sits on the pot during the past days. Unfortunately, her intestines give her a hard time for the biggest part of her life. More reason to keep a close eye on what she eats and the vitamins and minerals her body needs and lacks. She was lucky I just bought my new supply for the next months and did a lot of research. She's right it's very hard to figure out what is the best buy if that best buy exists at all. Nobody is the same and pills can cause allergies, indeed vitamins and minerals too, plus it's nice if you can swallow them without choking in them. So what did I buy besides vitamin C? I went for the D3, zinc, selenium since I still have kelp and liver cod oil. I don't buy this as a substitute for food but because I believe the family needs it and might even need it more in a few months. Winters are hard if you have to get out at 4 am and hardly see any sun it also makes one want to sleep more which happens to me for a few weeks so indeed it was surprising I felt awake till long after midnight.
This doesn't mean I didn't sleep. I did at the moment it was nearly time to get out of bed. I overslept, the children left without me and most likely that was why I woke up with a shock just a few minutes before 6 am. Six sounds early and I always believe I have plenty of time. I intended to start making the whipped cream pie (not easy with two jumping and mewing cats around, they were begging for food again). I managed to bake the pie, clean the house but didn't come to check my endless list with passwords of whatever one can subscribe to in one's life. You leave a huge footprint behind my child said. Indeed if you see my endless list I don't need to keep a diary any longer. I can just check those thousand and one accounts to see what I did in my life. I know why I subscribed which is not always to buy something. At times it's to gather some information or it's a reminder. If I have enough of the 'news' I label it as spam if I might need the info ever again or unsubscribe. If it comes to unsubscribing to newsletters some love to give you a hard time. You need to do a lot extra to get rid of the unwanted or no longer needed flood of information. Actually, it isn't a real flood. My child is surprised my mailbox isn't flooded with spam. For your information, it's not. Just delete what you no longer need and don't google around and if have a look at your Google account first before you visit the world wide web and start collecting shopping carts filled with spam (if it comes to cookies I switch off everything. Functional is good enough for me.
My night was short so was my day which means again it's getting later. We ate the entire whipped cream cake (indeed all of it) since it's valentine's Day and the Spring festival is nearly over (we can still celebrate and you should too life is too short to only have fun on command. I still have the X-mas tree decorated and in the evening the lights are switched on. I'm not in a hurry to clean it up perhaps I will if I need the bit of space to grow some plants inside. I know I said I wouldn't do it again, own veggies and so on because each harvest has an outcome of zero but I might try something new and hope the cats won't start playing with or shit on it.).
So today I made a start with things I want to do before it's too late. I update, just in case of need.
While cleaning I told my child I wish I had an empty house. I'm not sure if it would look cleaner, I don't think it's smart everything is getting more expensive, but at least it would be easier to do the house chores which never seem to come to an end.
"How come I'm always busy? I haven't had time to sit for a moment today," I asked my child, "how come so many others have so much time left to watch the telly or to feel bored?"
"It's because they don't care," was the answer, "many don't care if they live if the house is dirty and they live surrounded by mess."
Can be but in a way, it does annoy me there's hardly any time left for me. I mean at the time one child arrived home I had just finished washing my hair and still didn't come to writing. Again it's I'm off to bed after I edited this text. Tomorrow is early enough to take care of the dishes and the laundry again and hopefully, I have a bit more time for me next to the never-ending tasks (one of them is thinking about a birthday present for my child another year has passed).
February, 14th, 2022
I also used to do this.Sleep late,wake up early. It's addictive, but it did not really do me any good.and I looked like a zombie LOL. Well, I rarely do that now, and I still look like a zombie, but much like a prettier version of it (if there's any). 😂