They never make decisions in a hurry and in a rage!

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3 years ago

.I read this true story on the internet. A mistake from our youth that we cannot correct. Stubbornness, haste, hasty reaction and then only remorse remains ...

That was 20 years ago. The young man inherited. His parents died, and he and his sister shared the property. He owned the old family house and where he was born, and the sisters a studio in the city. He was very disappointed in that division, he studied in the city ... he wanted an apartment in the city, not an old house in the countryside. He sold it quickly, for some small money ... just to get rid of it, to get revenge ... to escape from his hometown. He got married, got a job and had children ... the years passed, and he dreamed of his mother on the doorstep, he dreamed of his hearth.

How could he be so stupid and selfish? How a man, while young, does not understand the value of the breast. Birth threshold. Places of unspeakable happiness and love. It bothered him for a long time. One day he decided to go and try to donate to his old birth house. Unfortunately he failed. The new owner did not want to sell the house. He failed to restore his peace and correct his mistake and youth.

Lesson: They never make decisions in a hurry and in a rage!

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3 years ago
