The Quality of Sticking.

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Avatar for rifat.hasan
3 years ago

There are many of us who come at the last minute and give up. They give up trying when they are just a yard behind, they stop running when it only takes him a minute to cross the final line. "The man who said the words is Ross Panert. He got a taste of human service from his addiction to scouting at the age of six and went to help others in the Navy. After a while he left the Navy as a salesman at IBM Company Not seeing any signs of improvement, Ross Panert quit his job and set up his own company - "Electronic Data Systems" - to supply database software for various organizations. He was rejected by six companies for saying "canceled" and "not good". , but Ross Parrot did not give up. He got a chance and got a government project effortlessly because the project was completed with a firm hand in compliance with all the rules of the government. He showed the courage to do. As a result, he got a budget of 600 million rupees, not a small budget. And from then on just move on. And now billions - millions of work orders every month !! When Ross wanted to hear the message of success from Parrot, he would say the same thing over and over again - "Opportunity will come, it mu st come, there will be opportunity to prove one's skills, so never give up, never no "!

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Bona. Sí, rendir-se massa aviat és una temeritat i suposa un malbaratament total. El camí cap a l’èxit és la majoria de les vegades difícil. És el camí menys emprès per la majoria. Però els que la persegueixen són els que gaudeixen dels avantatges. Anem a aprofitar les oportunitats i construïm el nostre pont cap a l’èxit. continua així, estimat germà ...

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3 years ago

tnxxx u

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3 years ago

Welcome dear

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3 years ago

Nice one. Yes giving up too soon is reckless and a total waste. The road to success is most of the time rough. Its the road less taken by the majority. But those who pursue it are the ones enjoying the benefits. Let's go grab opportunities and build our bridge towards success.

rgPhotography here. Your new subscriber. check my articles, if u will. Thanks.

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3 years ago

okkk dear sub me

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3 years ago