Like a Kid on Christmas.

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2 years ago

5 am.

I got out of bed in both anxiety and excitement. Like Christmas morning, the expectative to see what's under the tree, if Baby Jesus brought me all the I had asked on my letters, then going out to the neighbor's house and playing with the other kids. What a joy!

Wait! I haven't even packed yet and we are living in 4 hours!

Well, I'm not going to start packing now, I'll wake up everybody and I just can't do that. What I can do is make some coffee, a headcount of all the things I have to pack and, write about it in read. cash.

Yesterday I was gonna give my farewell for the next three days because I know that won't be able to write due to the busy schedule I'm going to have. Going? Already it's crazy!. I'll break it up for you.

Covid Test Swab.

Yesterday upon arrival, after the respective greetings, of course, we're not animals, I was told that the Health Department was going to run Covid-19 tests on all of those who were on the list of participants of the event, with the catch that if you didn't take the test, you can't go.

I'm a law-abiding citizen, always have been, but I really hate those tests! It feels like you're living the brain extracting part of the mummification process, the swab goes too deep and for too long!.

The nurse said "Don't clench your nose nor your eyes"

Dude! You're picking on my brain, how am I supposed to keep my cool!

Then back to rehearsal, blow air into my instrument with the discomfort that remained after a very invasive test. Fortunately, we all tested negative, so we are good to go!


The Covid swab wasn't the only news I had waiting for me, I was also told that the uniform had changed from all black to black and white. I don't have a white shirt!

Then a friend showed me the communication and it said White Long Sleeve or White T-Shirt, like the ones we use for gym class. T-shirt it is!

I like that kind of T-shirt so, I guess I can withdraw some of my read. cash earnings to buy them, one for me and one for my sister. I walked the whole town looking for a damm white T-shirt, I only found them in two places: in one place was too expensive, 10 bucks each one, and the other place was cheaper 6 bucks, but they were boy's T-shirts. What to do?

I bought the cheaper ones, small size, in the end, there was not that much of a difference, and I was in a hurry.

Shopping spree with!

While I was searching for the uniform I thought, do I have clothes for that trip? The answer of course was no, I haven't bought clothing since forever, so, let's see. Last week I bought shoes, boots to be exact when I received my payment from Peru. My pants are all ripped on the crouch so that's not good, and my shirts all are from the time I weighed 30 kilos more than I do now. Well, let's buy some clothes.

I got myself one pair of pants, three blouses plus two T-shirts, some toiletries, some clothes hangers but for the sheet music (it's an open space and I'm not a wind master) and personal use things.

It was awesome, I hadn't had that much fun in a long time, my mom was so happy that she even cried due to the excitement of seeing that I was able to do my shopping, so, once again, thank you read. cash for all your blessings!

A job out of love.

At 7 pm, when I was about to sit on the computer and write, I got a call from my friend Jemi, the President of the Foundation I used to work from. She's not going to the event due to an emergency she has. That woman cried over the phone because she was like me, excited to be part of something so great, a once-in-a-lifetime experience you might say.

After venting, she told me that there was a problem with some sheet music our group needs and that it won't be provided by the local organizers of the activity, so she was going to print them in her home along with some ID stamps for the bags and instruments, you know, security first.

Sadly, given she is not going, she wasn't going to be able to do so, I offer to do that job for her. She cried some more, and send me the folder of all the sheet music she intended to print and the file with the ID stamps, with the instruction to modify it if I needed to. Another friend send me the requirements needed, how many copies of each instrument had to be printed, and the information for the IDs. By midnight all the sheet music was printed and the IDs were laminated and ready for delivery.

Some might ask why did I do this, and it has an easy answer: I put myself in her shoes, listened and understood the struggle she's in, and stepped up to help a friend. The love I have for her as a friend and a colleague, and the love I have for our boys and girls from the orchestra, makes it easy and not a burden at all, it's a blessing, it's a job out of love.

Now I'll leave you, it's time for breakfast, and then I go to pack my things for the trip!

Christmas is early this year, can you feel it too?

Thanks to @Codename_Chikakiku for renewing your sponsorship!

May God bless and protect that big heart of yours sir!

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This is 100% Original Content.

The images are from Unsplash and provided by this site.

Except for the one with my clothes, that one's mine and taken with my sister's Techno Spark 6GO.

See you next time!



November 11th, 2021.

$ 2.93
$ 2.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @CoquiCoin
$ 0.05 from @Belozoriana
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Avatar for rebeysa85
2 years ago


I hope you did very well at the concert despite the difficulties you went through to attend. I hope you enjoyed yourself, which is the most important thing, and I look forward to seeing if you do an article about the concert. haha

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you! I'm already back home and it was amazing! I'm going to publish about everything, but in parts, because there's too much stuff to share!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Excellent I'll be looking forward to all your posts

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is always something to do at the last minute, I am sorry that your friend will not be able to attend an unrepeatable event. Thanks again to for allowing us to purchase these items. May you have infinite success

$ 0.05
2 years ago

That's right, is a blessing! She was with us, I'll show you how in the next few days...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The diagnostic test, i.e., PCR, for COVID-19, is not reliable at all. PCR tests yield positive results for many viruses -- the cold and cough virus, fever and influenza virus, whooping cough, COVID-19, etc. PCR tests give mixed-up results. So, PCR can't tell deterministically which virus the human is infected with. Unfortunately, PCR testing has been used as the sole testing technique to mark a human to be infected by COVID-19. It is explained clearly in the link:

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Frankly, I envy you a little, white envy, because I can not afford to buy new clothes, I have a loan, which I pay for 5 years. Something new always brings joy to our home, enjoy life and I wish you creative success.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Aww sorry! This was overdue for a long long time and thanks to this platform I could finally do it. The event was awesome, I'll share it with you soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh, I really don't know how to react if I will be the one on the swab test. Have a safe trip and enjoy!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you! It was great!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ugh, the swab test makes me goosebumps. I still do not experience that and I do not wanna haha. It might touch my brain haha!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Haha it's horrible!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

me toco hacerla y sali positivo , de verdad la prueba es bastante molesta no dura unos segundos pero después comienzas a lagrimear y esa sensación de molestia en la nariz que tarda en desaparecer recien acabo de escribir un articulo por favor dale un vistazo

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my God. I'm sorry you were tested positive. I hope youre okay now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

si ya me cure pero estuve muy mal de salud durante casi tres meses

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm happy for you Rebe! Enjoy it the most. And have a safe trip :)

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I'm happy for me too hahaha it was awesome!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope to read your article about it soon ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago