Vaccinating my cell:Brief Story

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2 years ago

We are encouraged by the government to have our vaccination so that this pandemic would stop and have the cure of this virus that spread to the Philippines and the entire world. At first, I'm hesitant to do the vaccination because I heard some news that the side effects of the vaccine are terrible.

We are five in our family all of them were done the vaccination except me. My husband was already vaccinated with the brand name AstraZeneca. He just suffered a fever after 6 hours took the jab. It took 3 days to coop up that feeling okay. He always convinces me to have the vaccine and yet I cannot decide at all but I realized sooner I must do it for the sake of me and my entire family.

Upon my first vaccination, the scheduled date was last September 14, 2021, at the covered court near our hometown. It was a first-come per served basis because only 1000 doses will be given to the people who are interested in the vaccine. The name of the vaccine is Pfizer and so the folks are in hurry to get the pre-registration form. If you don't have a registration you cannot have the priority number and do the vaccination during the said schedule.

First Jab, September 14

I almost end up at 1:00 pm done the injection to my left arm and all of my Blood Pressure monitoring are normal and set me free immediately. After 3 hours of my observation, I already felt dizziness, headache, and a little bit sore on my left arm. I decided to go home early for my relaxation after that day. I took a medicine name Bioflu because they advised me to take paracetamol after the shot.

At 3:00 am unexpected that I was on fire about my headache becomes in a high fever. My left arm cannot move freely. My husband accompanied me from time to time and give me medicine.

It was gone after took the medicine in 2 hours and had my preparation going to work. All my co-workers also suffered the same scenario but it was only a few hours because they took the medicine right away and so I.

Nothings any problem after my first dose it just only had a headache, fever, and sore on my left arm.

Second Jab, October 14, 2021

All sets are ready and the venue, I arrived exactly at 8:00 to the same venue and bringing my card for the second time around for the vaccination.

Lots of people are there already and I just hope I will be okay after the vaccine. Skip to the situation in the screening procedure because I'm all normal all my BP. When my name was called I knew already " This is it! my second dose" I'm a little bit worried because what will happen to me after my second dose because I already experienced unusual feelings during my first dose.

Done the jab so I went to the monitoring area for checking again my BP. All checkings were normal and I'm now free to go by giving clearance by the RHU personnel.

Actually, I'm done with my vaccination at 10:00 am so it was fast compared to my first dose. Only 6 hours started my body felt unusual. It started headache, the feeling that so exhausted, feels so cold, sore on my left arm once again, and nausea/ vomiting.

It's really strange on that day, I took again my medicine. My body was calmed after I'm taking the medicine 3 times, first before the jab then you will counted 4 hours intervals for another medicine to take. Only 2 days I fully recovered but still the sore on my arm are still in there but little by little it will be gone.

I've thought since we did our first dose that in another nearby town their Local RHU said that the vaccine will be held after 1 month allotted to wait but in our case it just only 2 weeks after the second dose is already set.

So much from that, I'm fully vaccinated of Pfizer. Everyone should get the vaccine before it's too late because we cannot see our enemy so we must have our shield to protect our health.

Thanks for reading!.

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Avatar for pamus18
2 years ago


Goodluck po🙏🏻

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, how about you? are you vaccinated now?

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2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good for you.

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2 years ago