Think Wisely: Useful Or Useless Treasure

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Avatar for pajeroz
1 year ago
Topics: Thought, Wise, Life

Peace be upon you all!

I don't know what I was thinking last night, when I think about work in the real world, my mind is always on time, work and income. That thought always dominates me, so that the brain is forced to keep thinking in order to conquer it. Not because of a reason for me to be able to produce more but that's my expectation as a human being. Sometimes I think that what's the point of getting big income, while it won't last forever, because everything will be abandoned someday. But apparently, such a mindset led me to "laziness" and lowered my enthusiasm in trying.

You may have great expectations, when you work and have abundant income. But what if it crosses your mind that the assets you have will not always be with you, meaning when you think that one day you will die, those assets will be of no use to you and you will leave everything behind. If so, do you still want to work hard and accumulate wealth?

I thought too much about it, thus lowering my intention to improve performance. However, the concept of thinking like that turned out to be wrong, in several cases that I experienced it turned out that I could lose my life because the necessities of life could no longer be met. That is, poverty will become a ghost that will continue to overshadow life all the time.

Try to imagine, if you think that wealth is useless, when you run out of food, you definitely think of wealth. But on the other hand, if at this time you have abundant wealth and it crosses your mind that the wealth that you have will not accompany you because wealth is inanimate matter while you are a human being who has a life span in the world, are you still thinking about wealth?

Maybe right now you are thinking about it and I am also thinking about it until now. In this case, I inspire that our way of thinking is the main thing. Because of that concept, we will make a decision to act. If so, which action would you take?

"Don't be afraid to have abundant wealth but also, don't be afraid if you will lose it."

This is definitely going to happen in our lifetime, at some point in time. But don't also lower your intention to continue working, so that we won't experience hunger.In this case, I am thinking of not having too much wealth but I also don't want to go hungry. The most important thing is to be able to live life and be able to eat.

There is also a case that can open our horizons, when I watched a television broadcast, in the program it was shown a person who had abundant wealth, made the decision to donate almost all of his wealth to other people, when he found out that he had a terminal illness and had been sentenced by doctor that his life is getting short. He was crying and sadness haunted him because the treasure he had could not save his life.

I often hear people saying that our life in this world is only temporary and I know you know that too. If so, is it useful or useless to you? whatever your answer, then that's your life.

Think wisely for a better life!

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Avatar for pajeroz
1 year ago
Topics: Thought, Wise, Life



$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed having wealth is not a curse if what you can do with it is to enhance the life of not only you but of others. Regardless if we will be called from above earlier or later, there are people whom we can leave our legacies of properties, just keep on excelling lead by your conscience pajeroz.

Love this lines "Don't be afraid to have abundant wealth but also, don't be afraid if you will lose it."

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks for the meaningful input. It's very complex

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I've been seeking to have more income as much as possible.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nice hope for improving performance.

$ 0.00
1 year ago