Religious Solidarity on Social Media

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Difference is not a separator for all humans who live side by side in one region, country, continent and world who need each other in building life even though in reality every human being in this world has differences in various aspects of life, but as creatures of the Almighty we are always taught to always live in harmony, tolerance, mutual respect, respect and help each other as taught by every religion.

The changing times have actually been experienced by every human being with the development of super-sophisticated technology directing every life towards modern transformation with digital capacity from the latest technological innovations created by humans themselves, the involvement of every human being in the use of technology has an impact on communication with the use of mobile phones and computer devices so that easily everyone is connected directly through software or application media. With the development of increasingly advanced communication media, the use of social media is increasing even some children in the world have used it, this shows that communication in social media is not only owned by adults but the involvement of all age groups has been integrated in cyberspace.

Social media is synonymous with religion, meaning that almost all social media users have beliefs based on their religion so that users use social media to publish the teachings of the truth according to their respective beliefs, it is a positive thing for every user for a useful channel, aspirations for the spiritual development of each individual. In the teachings of each religion there may be no misleading perception of teachings, meaning that every religion teaches goodness and truth, there are no teachings about disputes, fights, rebellions, hostility and other teachings that can harm others so that the transparency of the use of social media provides an opportunity to build solidarity between religious communities around the world.

Differences in beliefs are no longer a reason to change peace and harmony, but tolerance is an element of teaching that must be involved by every social media user so that kinship relationships can be established. Building a network of friends means opening up about ourselves and information about ourselves to associate with several people who have different or the same beliefs, an attitude of respect and respect is a consolidation of the sharing of differences in beliefs that have occurred in spiritual relationships.

With social media we can illuminate the darkness of the world with the lamp of truth, restore the world from the destruction caused by differences. Togetherness, harmony builds the world and the universe.


Image Source : | KevinKing | geralt | geralt | geralt | GDJ |

All Images Are From Pixabay And Edited.

$ 1.27
$ 1.00 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Ling01
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
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If only social media can be used in such a good way, then we are no longer wasting our time, and spending too much on social media. Only a few influencers have thought of that. Many people made social media their source of income by making videos and that made them influencers and content creators but not all of them are good to follow.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That's right. We should use social media in a good and responsible way.

$ 0.01
1 year ago