Regulation Beats Affection

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Children are the children of parents, because of a love relationship, a little angel appears in a family. Parental love for children is a dedication of affection in a husband and wife relationship. In terms of educating, raising, teaching and financing children's lives, it is the responsibility of parents. In other words, parents are fully responsible for their children. In the course of family life, the perception of "the ark of the household does not always run smoothly", seems to be a life problem that often occurs in families, meaning that the relationship between husband, wife and children will experience problems. Although in the end the relationship will recover and return to normal, in fact there are also family relationships that cannot be restored until a split occurs or better known as a "broken home". It cannot be underestimated, the breakdown of family relationships results in the breakdown of affection for children, a mother's love for children must end in divorce. The meaning in this context is that child custody often separates between mother and child.

Image source by Kasman from pixabay

In several divorce cases in Indonesia, child custody is often a threat to a mother, because the legal regulations regarding custody fall into the hands of a father. Although basically the closeness of mother and child is very strong and children still want a mother's hug, it cannot be denied and passes the applicable legal regulations. Speaking of affection, a mother's love for her child cannot be measured by the value of money, gold, diamonds, and gems. Because a mother is pregnant and giving birth, breastfeeding and raising children are the main roles of a mother, the role of a father is also to earn a living and support family life is the most important part. But in terms of custody, a father has full rights to get custody.

Not all countries have the same rules regarding child custody when divorce occurs, touching scenes often occur in my country, the cry of a mother letting go of a child is a moving drama. A mother is the most important part in a child's life, most children experience mental and psychological problems because they are outside the reach of a mother's embrace.

Image source by Alexas_Fotos from pixabay

All of us, maybe we don't want domestic problems to be destroyed or a divorce to occur, but what if it did? Maybe your region or country has the same rules as mine. You, maybe a mother and have children, you can imagine if you have to part with your baby. Perhaps it is better to give up worldly possessions than to give up a child. Perhaps not all perceptions of custody are the same. That is, there is also a choice of mothers who are willing to give up their children because of financial problems or also because of indications of divorce due to infidelity.

The background of each household problem is indeed deemed necessary to be reviewed so that there is no destruction. It must be admitted, as a person who is not included in the family relationship, he is not entitled to take full action in solving problems, meaning that family problems are their own problems and the decision depends on the husband and wife. However, in terms of problem solving, the rule of law is again enforced in accordance with applicable regulations. Perhaps, the victory of one party will take the other party's love. In this case, it can be said that compassion is defeated by regulation. Therefore, before everything happens, try to maintain family relationships, love your children, wife and husband because they are the most valuable values ​​and treasures.


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From the cases of divorce I've seen, the child or children go with the any of the parents that's willing to take care of them. Meanwhile, if it's a baby, the mother should take full responsibility

$ 0.01
1 year ago