Problems And Solutions

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2 years ago
Topics: Mindset, Logic, Opinion
Image by geralt from pixabay

When man is born it is the beginning he will have problems because problems exist for everyone. Is there anyone who has not had problems since he was born? certainly not, in other words, human birth is a problem statement that may be a little confusing because a person's paradigm of thinking only lies in how to deal with problems, not in the basic source of problems logically if you weren't born you would never face problems. The complexity of the problem lies in the situation because the problem is at a certain level of easy, medium and difficult and this is included in the scope of human life which directly or indirectly problems can be invisible.

Human attitudes and mindsets directing goals to results right and wrong on this goal the problem is created means the goal is a way to be taken and we must understand that there is no flat path when the goal is lived because all through the process maybe you think you did nothing wrong or a problem when your goal is achieved but are you aware of other people who have been involved with your goal maybe you think everything is fine but maybe not so with people you have contact with can you know their hearts in the way you have with them problems come from both camps from yourself and from others.

The birth of a human being is not wrong, but what will be a problem is that his life journey is essentially a human being who is a limited being who is prone to errors. problems arise when an error occurs at this stage, human reason is to think of ways to get out of the problem by thinking critically to find a solution.

But solution-oriented is also a problem because not everyone can find a solution. you may have experienced a problem and didn't find a solution, this also makes you add to the problem as a result of not having a solution, of course you will continue to look for it with a full load and force your brain to work because finding a solution in your life will be complicated.

Image by geralt from pixabay

Many people say that every problem has a solution, is this statement true? I also don't know if this statement is true maybe the problem is a solution not found. many strange events happen in this world some cases can't even find the cause and solution. This gives the statement that the problem is a mysterious thing whose causes and solutions cannot be solved logically.

Problems and solutions are the two most talked about things almost every day in this world on social media almost full of segments about problems from personal, group, regional and country problems. Why is this issue getting more and more shared in the media? that's because the solution means that if the problem faced is immediately found a solution then social media will not be flooded with problems but if the solution can't be found then more problems will arrive on social media accounts.

A problem without a solution is a problem and a problem arises because a solution cannot be found. problems and solutions can be problems.


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Avatar for pajeroz
2 years ago
Topics: Mindset, Logic, Opinion


El aprendizaje te va dando habilidades y en la medida en que desarrolles habilidades en esa misma forma vas tomando decisiones hacia qué otras ramas del camino puedes tomar. Yo pienso que todo en la vida debe ir paso a paso y basándose en conocimientos y en experiencia, en la efectividad de tus acciones; por lo tanto, tomar decisiones correctas o incorrectas depende del aprendizaje que lleves hasta ese momento. Sin embargo, incluso las decisiones incorrectas son parte de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje. Yo digo que en la vida lo que vale la pena es recorrer caminos.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is true friend that if we have weaknesses in ourselves we can think easily and resolve them properly. It is true that when we have a problem, it will strengthen us

$ 0.02
2 years ago

thanks for this argument, friend, this statement is in accordance with the reality that exists in human life today. but if you read it more carefully then you will find something that will make you think even more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think theres always a way ,we will just find it and never quite until you find some solutions but in finding solutions on our problem we have to think positvely ,keep our faith to God ,streghten our believes that we can do it because GOD is with us always.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

the solution is often mysterious because often problems come with solutions that are difficult to get, yes it is close and praying to God is the way to get out of this problem is the absolute way

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If we think positively, every problem must be solved. Problems and difficulties make us stronger!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

your statement is very logical and true to reality but try to seek deep understanding of this article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago