Like A Diamond

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Judgment is an absolute picture to determine where we stand, but becomes a contradiction because judgment is not always based on 'justice'.

Humans are gifted with brains to think and evaluate what they see, feel, and enjoy. that's the dynamics of life that becomes the process of human formation from simple to complex stages (from small to adult).

But do you understand that psychological factors can keep people from standing tall in judgments of justice.

I tell you a brief illustration. “When someone enters a singing competition, the song he sings is very melodious and manages to make the audience hysterical and all the audience says that he is the winner, but the jury only gives a very low score and does not match the song. the beautiful and melodious song that has been sung.”

Now I ask.. is the story above the jury's action true? maybe you are right because as a jury you have your own assessment expectations.. I will continue the story above..

"When the jury gave an unsatisfactory score and the audience was also very angry with him... when investigated, it turned out that between the jury and the singer were involved in a very heated conflict."

Now I ask again, is the continuation of the story above... the act of giving value to the singer is correct? Of course you say that this is not true, because behind the judge's assessment, there is actually a psychological factor from the jury.

That's the reality that we are experiencing now sometimes something that is right we have done but because of psychological factors (jealousy, anger, envy, jealousy, etc.) from other people so that the truth turns into 'garbage' that is stepped on, thrown away and burned.

So actually, anything we do under the sun and moon is all rubbish if judgment is limited only by psychological factors (none of which is true).

Humans are like that, sometimes they are required to be professional, but due to internal factors that leave traces, there has been a shift in values ​​and morals.

But we must hold fast to our respective stances, never stop doing good and right, even though the deeds that have been done have no value in the eyes of humans, but keep in mind that the real judge is the Almighty, not human.

Be Like A Diamond

"People say ugly, lie and slander you out loud, don't reply. Remember.. a diamond will still shine even though it is wrapped in earth, you will still shine even if people say dirty about you"


High-quality goods are in high demand even though they are stored, but low-quality goods even though they are cheap will be ignored.

Human judgment may be wrong, but God's judgment will always be right.

Article is mine
Image source from

Presented by pajeroz

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I respect those who keep a professional attitude at work or when dealing with someone they hate and setting aside their toxic and unprofessional side.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

yes...i agree with that friend, your argument is very good and it must be admitted that many professional people but they often lose and change when faced like this.. thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very good, we are told to shine like a diamond here, and be true to yourself!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

yes thank you my friend.. we have to be like that because good and right deeds will always shine and must always be the best in all tasks and work on the basis of honesty and truth..

$ 0.00
2 years ago